Manufacturers of antibacterial gel will put a bad taste so that people do not eat it


The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) filed a petition for manufacturers of antibacterial gel make your product with an unpleasant taste so that people can’t eat it, since during the month of March the cases of poisoning from consuming these disinfectants increased considerably. It may sound absurd but it is a common procedure. For example, Nintendo uses it in its cartridges to prevent children from putting them in their mouths.

We also recommend: Taking disinfectant will not save you from the coronavirus, it will kill you

In its request to manufacturers, the FDA explains that given the current situation, demand for its products has increased, but also the risk involved in using them, especially among the smallest:

“Increased demand carries with us our mission to ensure the safety of these products. It is important that the hand sanitizer be manufactured in such a way that it is inedible to people, especially young children, and that it is properly labeled to prevent accidental and intentional ingestion. ”

He also recalled that many commonly used disinfectants, including antibacterial gel, have not proven effective against the new SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19 disease, so its consumption will not prevent the spread of the disease:

“Additionally, hand sanitizers have not been proven effective against COVID-19, and like other products made for external use, they should not be inhaled, ingested, or applied intravenously.”

Consuming these products does not eliminate the coronavirus, and can be deadly to the human body.
