21 communes regress phase from this Saturday, April 3 – Coronavirus – 24 hours


As of 05:00 hours this Saturday, 21 communes in the country fell back from phase in the Government’s Step by Step Plan.

Of these, 19 go to Quarantine and two (Marchihue and Portezuelo) a Transition. With this measure, more than 80% of the Chilean population remains in total confinement.

These phases, in addition to reducing two weekly travel permits, have capacity limits allowed in homes. This with the aim, according to the authorities, of decrease contagions of COVID-19.

In addition, to decrease mobility, until Sunday, April 4 at 10:00 p.m., sanitary cords are in force in the Metropolitan Region, Valparaíso, Gran Concepción, Temuco and Padre Las Casas, for Easter.

The curfew will be ahead of 9 pm from Monday, April 5.

Check the communes that start quarantine:

Coquimbo region

– Go back to Quarantine: Paihuano, from Saturday, April 3 at 05:00 hours.

Valparaíso Region

– They go back to Quarantine: Papudo, Catemu, Santo Domingo and Quintero, from Saturday, April 3 at 05:00 hours.

O’Higgins Region

– Go back to Transition: Marchihue, from Saturday, April 3 at 05:00 hours.

– Go back to Quarantine: Codegua, from Saturday, April 3 at 05:00 hours.

Maule region

– They go back to Quarantine: Río Claro, Petorca, Romeral, Cauquenes, Hualañé, Constitución and Longaví, from Saturday, April 3 at 05:00 hours.

Ñuble region

– Go back to Transition: Portezuelo, from Saturday, April 3 at 05:00 hours.

– Go back to Quarantine: Cobquecura, from Saturday, April 3 at 05:00 hours.

Bio bio region

– Advance to Transition: Tirúa and Contulmo, from Monday, April 5 at 05:00.

– Go back to Quarantine: Birth, from Saturday, April 3 at 05:00 hours.

Araucania region

– Go back to Quarantine: New Imperial, from Saturday, April 3 at 05:00 hours.

Los Lagos Region

– They go back to Quarantine: Cochamó, Chonchi and Dalcahue, from Saturday, April 3 at 05:00 hours.

During the Easter holiday, the Ministry of Health stopped vaccination against the coronavirus nationwide. Nevertheless, the process will continue as of Monday, April 5 as normal.

Next Monday, it is the turn of 52-year-olds, Tuesday of 51 and Wednesday of 50 years.

The rest of the week will be vaccinated to the laggards of the priority groups and, in addition, to those who require the second dose.

To date, more than 6.8 million people have received the first of two vaccines against the coronavirus.

The health authorities have highlighted that despite being inoculated, Self-care measures such as the use of a mask, constant hand washing and physical distancing are the best way to prevent infections.

coronavirus vaccination schedule April 5 to 11.jpeg

Photo: ATON

