“It is not the same to close the borders when the variants are within the country, than to close them to prevent them from entering”


This Friday, Chile registered a unprecedented record in infections Over the past 24 hours: 8,112 new people have COVID-19. Of these, 5,348 correspond to symptomatic people and 2,184 do not present symptoms. In total, the number increased to more than 45,000 active cases, according to the Ministry of Health.

In this regard, the doctor Sebastian Ugarte, head of the Critical Patients Unit of the Indisa Clinic, told CHV News that “we live in a very critical situation, but we have not yet reached the worst moment. It is a stage of rise in infections and hospitalizations and in the coming days, unfortunately, the figures should continue to increase ”.

“The figures could be 10 thousand and 12 thousand cases a day. One always tries to have a prudent approach so as not to generate more distress in the population, but there are great difficulties in having critical beds for the most serious patients and the number of infections does not stop ”, he warned.

Read also: Dr. Inia Pérez: “Having 8 thousand infections today implies that we will have even more hospitalized in 10 days more”

Likewise, the doctor explained that there are “dozens of patients who are intubated and they are waiting for a bed and a mechanical ventilator ”.

For this reason, he urged that “it is not the same to close the borders when the new variants are within the country than to close them to prevent them from entering. If the closing had taken place in December, it probably would not have completely prevented the entry of new variants, but I would have delayed it ”.

Meanwhile, he emphasized that sanitary measures to contain the spread of COVID-19 they must be fully complied with.

Read also: Restrictions by COVID-19: These are the 7 measures announced by the Minsal

“Quarantines to be effective require that at least reduce mobility by 60% and objective measurements show reductions of at least 17% ”, he indicated.

According to Dr. Ugarte “traceability has not been achieved and it is the Achilles heel of the campaign against the epidemic in Chile ”.

Finally, he accused that “the decisions that had to be taken took longer than necessary” and took advantage of calling the population to continue to take care of yourself, stay home and go out only when strictly necessary.
