Check the facts: Trump campaign runs Facebook ads featuring fake image of Biden wearing earpiece

The Trump campaign is now running another inappropriate announcement as well.

Trump allies gave a baseless indication before Tuesday’s presidential debate that Biden wanted to use earpieces on stage, possibly to get real-time instructions from advisers.
Biden did not wear earpieces, and there is no evidence that he ever tried to wear them. (Debate is a history of fictional conspiracy theories about earpieces.) But the Trump campaign nonetheless, launched a series of Facebook ads to show a photo of Biden wearing an Apple pul-style white earpiece in his right ear.

Some ads feature a white circle around that part of the image, as if to show people that Biden has been captured.

First facts: The image of Biden wearing Trump earrings is not official. The earpiece was photoshopped in an actual photo showing Biden without the earpiece.

The Trump campaign, in fact, is also running some anti-Biden ads that use the same Biden photo. Without Edited in earpiece.

Trump campaign communicator Tim Murtuf said in an email Thursday that the ads featuring earpieces were a “clear satire” that he claimed was a decision to agree to a Biden campaign pre-debate earpiece inspection and was then changing his mind.

There is no evidence that this happened. Regardless, it’s not exactly clear that the ads are ironic. Some ads say, “Just bagging for a break during the discussion! Check Jorce’s ear! He refuses the drug test and decides to do an earpiece inspection!” Others say, “Who is in joy?”

And Trump and his campaign have spent months trying to convince people that Biden’s mind is not on work. They have repeatedly suggested in vain that Biden is unable to speak consistently without the aid of a teleprometer or even medication.

Earpiece ads – some of which were still active until Friday, even after three days of discussion – have been viewed millions of times en masse, according to statistics from Facebook’s publicly accessible ad database. Facebook cannot check advertisements of politicians.

It’s not clear if the Trump campaign does its own Photoshop job or if the altered image is taken from another.
