Check the facts: Madison Cow Thorne falsely claimed that ‘zero dollars’ had been spent on homeless veterans. That’s actually more than 2 billion this year

“The Biden admin has dropped મિ 86 million to get hotel rooms just for illegal immigrants, yet we have zero dollars to go to homeless veterans who have a low risk of suicide. Unwanted. U.S. American,” Katherine said. Wrote.

Catherine Monett, chief executive officer of the National Coalition for Homeless Veterans Nonprofit, said Thorne’s “zero dollars” claim was “untrue.” Tom Port, executive vice president of government affairs at the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America advocacy group, said it was “not true.” Port added that there is “a lot of money for veterans” in the American rescue plan and that it is important for officials to be “accurate” about government spending, given that veterans are listening.

Cav Thorne’s office fee said he would not be able to speak on the record of the tweet because it came from the congressional campaign Twitter account, not his official congressional account. But a source close to Kaw Thorne, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the tweet was indeed a statement that home migrants should be given this special ICE. Zero dollars in the agreement are going for homeless veterans – no, in other words the government claims to spend zero dollars for homeless veterans.

But Kw Thorne did not specify at all. If he wanted to say zero dollars Immigration contracts not related to experienced homeless, pte is to be household, He would have clearly said so – although this would have made the tweet very strange. The words that actually tweeted to Kaw Thorne left the impression that the government was talking about overall spending on homeless veterans.

Costs in the billions

The federal government’s annual Homeless Assessment found that 37,252 veterans were homeless overnight in January 2020. This is a decrease of about 50% from the 2009 figure but a slight increase from the 2019 figure.
VA’s base budget for fiscal year 2021 allocates about 1. 1.9 billion for homeless veterans. (Here are some details about what the VA does for homeless veterans.) The VA said in its FY 2021 budget plan that it plans to spend $ 313 million on suicide prevention programs for veterans.

VA plans to spend 10. 10.2 billion on mental health services in fiscal year 2021. While these aren’t particularly anti-suicide costs, some of them probably are. Helps prevent suicide.

Federal spending on homeless veterans is not limited to the VA. For example, the Labor Department runs the Homeless Veterans Retirement Program, which provides more than million 50 million annually to help homeless veterans find and retain jobs.
In addition to this budget allocation, which was approved by former President Donald Trump in 2020, the Epidemic Relief Bill, signed by Trump in 2020 and Biden in 2021, received millions of additional funds to alleviate homelessness among veterans. Cow Thorne, who took office in January 2021, joined his Republican allies in a vote against Biden’s 1. 9.9 trillion American rescue plan.
The American Rescue Plan includes 14 14.5 billion for retired health care, which is widely defined. VA spokesman Hayes said the “part” of this money – he said they have not yet been able to provide a definitive dollar figure – would “fund the homeless or veterans for extended transit accommodation, smartphones and other health care and support services. Risk. “Hayes said,” These extended services helped an estimated 37,000 veterans under the Care Act, “the relief bill Trump signed into law in March 2020.
The American Rescue Plan includes 38 386 million to pay for training and housing assistance for the 17,250 veterans who lost their jobs due to the epidemic. Porter, a group of veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan, called the housing allowance “generous” and “important.”
The American Rescue Plan also includes comprehensive provisions that can help veterans, others facing housing challenges – such as more than 21 21 billion for rental assistance, 10 10 billion for mortgage assistance, 5 5 billion for emergency housing vouchers , And about $ 5 billion for homeless assistance. And 4 4 billion for the prevention and treatment of mental health and substance abuse disorders.
It was true that the Biden administration was putting some immigrants in hotel rooms, although it is worth noting that at times immigrants were also kept in hotel rooms under Trump. Immigration and Customs Enforcement said in a statement to CNN on Saturday that the Texas-based organization had a $ 86.9 million contract with Endeavor to provide 1,239 beds – plus health assessments, Covid-19 testing and processing services – to families with migrants. Reuters reports that these migrants will “initially” be “housed” in seven different brand-name hotels; ICE and Efforts will not provide further details to CNN.
