Check the facts: Biden is wrong on the three figures he quoted in the ABC interview

Biden was generally factual in interviews, most of which aired on Wednesday. But he was wrong on three statistical claims.

The context surrounding these two untrue claims suggests that they may have slipped rather than intentionally lied. And on the third claim, regarding the history of the Senate filebuster, Biden clearly told Stefanopoulos that he felt the numbers he was using were inappropriate.

However, it is our job to improve the record when the president is wrong. Here is a fact-finding look at three false claims and two other claims made by Biden in an interview.

“60% of all these tax breaks go to the population – all of these tax breaks go to the bottom of 60% of the population,” Biden said, referring to the tax benefits of the 1. 9.9 trillion American Rescue Plan epidemic relief agreement signed last week.

First facts: Biden went into uncertainty here. When CNN asked where Biden got the figure, the White House said Biden was referring to a figure from the Tax Policy Center. But Howard Gleckman, a senior fellow at the tax policy center, explained to CNN that the center really is. Found With the new law, 67% of tax benefits will go to households this year – according to Byden, “all” benefits go down to 60%.

“He got the first part of the sentence right and he really underestimated it. But he got the second part of the sentence wrong,” Gleckman said.

Aid to Obama-era Central America

Biden visited Obama-era Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras, which are among the countries where U.S. He was credited with passing an initiative to increase federal assistance to those who experienced the influx of minors. “I was able to pass a bilateral bill for about $ 800 billion to get to the root cause of why people are leaving,” he said.
First facts: Biden was talking about the 2015 initiative – which he played, as vice president, significantly Role Pass – provided Up to 50 750 million According to Biden, in US funding for Central American countries, not “800 billion.” If he had said “million 800 million” instead of $ 750 million, we could have slipped it, but “$ 800 billion” is a significant mistake.
Central America funding was contained in a comprehensive spending bill that passed with bipartisan support.

History of Filebuster

Biden backed the change in Senate filibuster rules, saying senators should once again stand on the floor and keep talking if they want to block legislation. The current Philibuster policy allows filebusters without addressing senators.
Biden said: “Look, I think – don’t hold my number, George, but I think between 1960 and 2000, there were – I make this number, I don’t know – there were, like – you know. , 50 filibusters. Now there are 200, since … ”
First facts: Their numbers were not as straightforward as Biden himself said. While experts say it is difficult for them to pinpoint the number of filebusters per year (Here is an explanation Complexity), it is clear that Biden’s figure was too low for both the past and the present – although it was Accurate On their general point that in the late 20th century there has been a significant increase in the number of filebusters in the 21st century.
Molly Reynolds, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution who studied Philibuster, said most scholars believe the best proxy step is the number of motions filed for clothing, a move to end the Senate debate. According to official Senate data, 755 clutter motions were introduced from 1961 to 2000 (which averaged less than 20 per year) and 1,516 clutter motions were introduced since 2001 (an average of 75 works per year). doing) ).

Trump lowers taxes

Biden said of Republican opposition to his Covid relief plan: “They don’t like it because, in fact, their idea of ​​tax cuts is to reduce the Trump tax, where% in% went to the top 1% in the US.”

First facts: This reference is needed. While it is generally fair to say that wealthy Americans were the biggest beneficiaries of Trump’s 2017 tax, the “83%” figure is an estimate of what could happen in 2027 under certain circumstances, not about what has already happened.

The Center for Tax Policy estimated in 2017 that if the law allows the elimination of individual tax cuts (which were temporarily designed) and the corporate tax cuts (which were designed) of the law, the top 1% in 2027. About 83% will benefit. As permanent) continued to exist. For 2018, the Tax Latu, Tax Policy Center estimates that the top 1% received 20.5% benefits, while the 95% -99% group received another 22.1%.
There is certainly a significant difference between the new Biden law and the 2017 Trump law in how it treats the rich and the poor. For example, the Tax Policy Center has found that families earning 25,000 or less relief will receive an average tax of 2, 8,800 this year from the new relief law, which will increase subsequent income by 20%. Under Trump law, these homes saw an average decline of $ 60 in the first year, or about 0.4% of subsequent income.

Vote on American Rescue Plan

Speaking of the American Rescue Plan, Biden boasted that “78% of people out there say they support the program, 52૨% of Republicans.” He acknowledged that there could be some voting error, saying, “Let’s assume it’s close to 15%.”

First facts: This claim is accurate enough; There have been several public polls showing overall support for the American rescue plan, with 78% claiming Biden and support among Republicans, which he claimed. Other public opinion polls, however, have received less support than Biden’s claims, for both the general public and Republicans. There are poll results Looks different With words of voter questions.
A Morning Consult / Politico poll conducted February 19-22 found 76% support for the relief scheme among registered voters and 0% support from Republican registered voters – after polling respondents were informed about the કિંમત 1.9 trillion cost of the scheme and some important provisions. 1,400 direct payment. A Morning Consult / Politico poll conducted during March 8-8 found %%% overall support and 59% Republican support for the scheme.
The poll for Monmouth University, conducted from February 25 to March 1, received significantly less support for the scheme than the Morning Consultants, especially Republicans: overall support was 62%, while Republican support was only 33%. In addition to the standard differences in poster method and sampling (adults are not registered by the Monmouth poll, especially voters are not registered), it is worth noting that Monmouth mentioned the ખર્ચ 1.9 trillion cost of the plan before asking defendants for their opinion but only ની 1,400 after that. Payment not mentioned question.
