Charlie Cox may have a chance to continue his career as Daredevil in the MCU after all

Charlie Cox’s career as Daredevil may not have ended yet. Marvel is reportedly considering returning Cox in the role of Matt Murdock in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The news comes amid rumors that Jon Bernthal and Krysten Ritter will reprise their roles as Punisher and Jessica Jones in a future project.

Marvel Daredevil
Marvel’s Daredevil Charlie Cox | Michael Stewart / Getty Images

Cox admits he was shocked when Netflix canceled ‘Daredevil’

Cox played Man Without Fear for three seasons on Netflix. Reckless. Everyone was expecting the streaming giant to approve another season when it abruptly canceled the show in late 2018.

Last summer, Marvel announced a series of upcoming television shows that would premiere on Disney +. Unfortunately, the study did not mention anything about bringing Reckless to Disney’s streaming service, leaving Cox’s future in doubt.

In May, Cox admitted that he was as surprised by the cancellation as the fans. According to Cinema Blend, he even confessed that he refused to work on other projects because he thought his schedule was reserved for at least two more seasons.

“I mean, we all thought we were going. You know, I turned down jobs, because I thought we were filming and we were preparing for that, “he shared.

Cox went on to say that he discussed the series’ future with showrunner Erik Oleson just before the cancellation. The actor revealed that everyone involved in the show was shocked by the decision.

He also claimed that he still doesn’t know why Netflix rejected season 4, although he did hint that “politics” probably came into play. More than likely, the decision had something to do with Marvel’s plans to create content on Disney +.

Within Marvel’s plans for Daredevil and Punisher

While Marvel has not said anything official about the character, internal sources told We Got This Covered that the studio wants to unite Daredevil and Punisher. The study is reportedly interested in producing an R rating. Punisher film that will feature a Daredevil cameo.

Sources claim that Marvel is also considering including Samuel L. Jackson’s Nick Fury in the mix, giving them a chance to get adult content. After all, fans have waited a long time to hear Jackson drop one of his famous f-bombs.

Unfortunately, Marvel has not commented on the reports surrounding Cox and the MCU. The study is currently facing multiple delays due to the coronavirus pandemic and has already delayed all of its Phase 4 projects.

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Fortunately, the popularity of other R-rated superhero movies could make it easier for Marvel to move forward with the project. With the studio already making plans to introduce Ryan Reynolds dead Pool In the MCU, it’s only a matter of time before he comes out with an R-rated movie.

Although a movie uniting Daredevil, Fury, and Punisher sounds great, the character could also appear in another MCU franchise.

What about those ‘Spider-Man 3’ rumors?

After Marvel struck a new deal with Sony last year, Tom Holland will reprise his role as Peter Parker. Holland is slated to appear in Spider man 3 Next year, sources now claim that Daredevil could enjoy a cameo in the film.

A few months ago, rumors emerged that Daredevil was going to appear in Spider man 3 Somehow. Fans were very excited about the news and hoped that Marvel would choose Cox to play the role.

According to Cinema Blend, Cox recently addressed the rumors surrounding Spider man 3. He revealed that he is not involved in the project in any way. He also stated that it is possible that Marvel advances with another actor who plays his old role.

“I hadn’t heard those rumors, but it’s certainly not with my Daredevil. I am not involved in that. If that’s true, it’s not with me. It’s with another actor, “he shared.

It is unclear if Marvel plans to move forward with Daredevil without Cox. Considering how many fans enjoyed their take on the iconic hero, it would be a shame if Marvel chose someone else for the role.

Spider man 3 It is slated to open in theaters in November 2021.