Charlie Brown is special in the PBS deal, after all, to air on TV

NEW YORK (AP) – “Great Pumpkin” has never appeared on broadcast television this year, but after a deal with PBS, Charlie Brown will be back on the Thanksgiving and Christmas special air.

Last month, the Apple Pal TV + became the new home of the beloved Peanut Holiday Features. This angered viewers accustomed to tuning in annually on network TV. Apple Play offered everyone a free stream for a handful of days, but that didn’t stop thousands of signatures.

On Wednesday, Apple Play retreated and announced that it had teamed up with PBS for ad-free broadcasts of “A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving” (Nov. 22) and “A Charlie Brown Christmas” (December 13).

Both specials will also be available for free during the three-day Windows on Apple Plus TV + (“Nov. 25 for Thanksgiving. 25-27 and December 11 for” Christmas. “). For subscribers, the specials will start on November 18 and December 4, respectively. .
