CESA shows COVID-19 mask gambling weapon competition

U.S. Millions of people began buying face masks in 2020, and companies, surprisingly, rushed to take advantage of the boom in demand for new products. At CES 2021, the gadget-ifification of the mask was in full display. The pack’s leading razor was a transparent V-is-amplifying, light-up concept mask. AirPayPay promoted its + Active + Smart Mask, which monitors users’ breathing rates and alerts them via a smartphone app when the mask’s filter needs to be replaced. Binaton’s maskphone has a built-in earbuds and a mic for phone calls.

Turning a mask into a status symbol is nothing new, nor is it to earn a disaster to make an order. Before an epidemic, people wear masks to protect themselves from air pollution, and those are fashion items in China and India. Prior to the epidemic, masked companies advertised for that purpose began to enter the U.S. market. At CES last year, AO ARA announced a $ 350 air pollution-filtering gadget.

Techy masks to protect against covid-19 are not bad things. Health officials across the country are doubling the message to pinch your nose and mouth as cases escalate, and a nice review of scientific evidence published this month confirmed, yet, that mask will work. Said the razor Edge She plans to work with medical experts if she ever decides to produce and sell her mask. Its concept mask has a dangerous and warning exhalation valve, but Razr says the mask will have a filter to block any virus that is exhaled by the wearer.

But an eccentric weapon race will not make the mask necessary to work better. We need better masks for everyone, not just stylish products for those who can afford it. In the United States, almost a year after the epidemic, most people still wear cloth masks, which is better than nothing, but not the best way to block the virus. Cloth masks were considered a stop-gap until officials could produce medical-grade masks, but that never materialized. Meanwhile, Taiwan is distributing high-quality masks to citizens, and Germany needs N95-equivalent masks in stores.

Without federal action on masks, people are left on their own to find and buy them. Not good criteria for cloth masks, which makes it difficult to find the best protection. There are fake medical-grade masks across the country. It’s a crowded, confusing area, and gadgets jostle for space with slap bracelet masks and rhinestones.

“We regularly get PR pitch for excellent new solutions as well as snake-oil remedies, and sometimes we have trouble telling them apart – how does the average person evaluate competitor claims?” Written by Zenap Tufaxi and Jeremy Howard Atlantic.

To combat the epidemic, the U.S. needs effective masks to be delivered as a public health service. Instead, all types of masks are seen and marketed as commercial products. Companies selling light-up masks aren’t causing this problem, and if Flash helps someone put on it, it’s a victory. But this compelling contribution only highlights how far we have to go before we have simple and effective security for everyone.

Here’s what else is going on this week.


The future of coronavirus? An annoying childhood infection
Once the epidemic is over, covid-19 can slowly become more like a childhood cold than any fatal disease, new research suggests. With a vaccine, that conversion can happen quickly. (Apoorva Mandavili, The New York Times)

No ICU bed? Covid-19 death toll expected to double.
The risk of death from COVID-19 is not static. It varies depending on the quality of the doctors in the care facility. When intensive care units are full, people die from the disease. (Julia Belluz, Vox)

Covid-19 deaths are the highest ever – and more infectious forms can make things worse
The new coronavirus of getting foot in the United States is not more deadly, but it is more contagious. It’s a scary scenario anyway: a rapidly spreading infection means even more deaths. (Andrew Joseph, State News)


Once you and your friends get vaccinated, can you leave the social distance?
Getting vaccinated as soon as the epidemic is over is not a free pass, but as people around you start getting vaccinated, life will return to normal. The transition will take place in phases until the epidemic settles worldwide. (Siegel Samuel, Vox)

J&K one shot covid vaccine is safe and produces promising immunity in early trials
Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine is at the forefront of the pipeline, and preliminary data show it can produce only a small amount of immune response. The company should release data about its effectiveness later this month. (Berkeley Loveless Jr., CNBC)


I am angry that after months of carefully isolating myself, one chaotic day I am likely to get sick. I am angry that so many leaders of our nation were not ready to deal with the resentment of the mask for a few hours. I am angry that there is only one reason for the Capitol attack and the ensuing illness: the inability of my Republican allies to accept the facts.

– Rip. Bonnie Watson Coleman (D-NJ) writes W. Washington Post After testing positive for Covid-19 after the Capitol riots.

More than the number

For more than 93,604,952 people worldwide who have tested positive, your path to recovery may be easier.

The families and friends of the 2,003,885 people who died worldwide – 390,809 in the US – have not forgotten your loved ones.

Be safe, everyone.