Carrie Underwood and Thomas Rachett, Entertainer of the Year, received Knight’s highest award.
It was Underwood’s third win, tying him with Taylor Swift as the most winning woman in the category, when it was Rate’s first.
But there was some grip on social media that Underwood should not share the award and that was a misunderstanding.
For their part, Underwood and Rette were enthusiastic in sharing the win.
“Keith, what’s going on right now,” Ratt said to the show’s host, Keith Urban, before beginning his acceptable speech.
Underwood slammed the elbow with Urban before accepting the award, in which he “gave God all glory, glory.”
“Not just for this (award), but thanks to ACM for putting me in such an incredible company,” he said. “I’m happy to share this with Thomas Reshet and mention my name with him.”