Captain marvel star Brie Larson has revealed that she was willing, and eventually lost, a role in a Star Wars movie.
The actor, who joined the ever-expanding MCU as Carol Danvers in 2019, launched his new YouTube channel yesterday (July 2) and chatted about his love for the space opera franchise and plenty of past auditions with a friend. in her. first video.
“I auditioned for Star Wars also, “admitted the 30-year-old.” I auditioned for The Hunger GamesI auditioned for him Terminator restart.
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“I was actually thinking about him Terminator I rebooted today because I got stuck and I thought, ‘Oh, the last time I got stuck was when I was driving to my audition to Terminator“, I laughed.” She had a flat tire on her audition, and then she didn’t get the job. “
While Larson declined to detail what specific parts he tried to bag, fans have speculated that, with Star Wars, it was Rey (who happened to be played by Daisy Ridley when she was featured in The awakening of strength) or Rogue One protagonist Jyn Erso (who was brought to life by The theory of everything star Felicity Jones).
When it comes to The Hunger Games and Terminator: GenisysIt seems likely that Larson auditioned for the role of Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss Everdeen and Sarah Connor of Emilia Clarke, respectively.
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Although he failed to land a role in the sequel trilogy, many are hopeful that they may see an aspiring Jedi Larson somewhere in the series later, especially now that he’s part of the Disney family and studio. . executives have already announced that Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy is working in “a new era of Star Wars“
“We are excited about the projects that Kathy and the Lucasfilm team are working on, not just in terms of Star Wars but also Indiana Jones and reach other parts of the company, including Sons of blood and bone with Emma Watts and Fox, “said Alan Horn, co-president and creative director of Walt Disney Studios last year.
Captain marvel It is now available DVD, Blu-ray and digital download.
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