Call of Duty Warzone teasers suggest map changes

Warzone Stadium

Warzone Stadium
Image: Activision

Cryptic Infinity Ward teasers reveal that an upcoming live event could dramatically change the landscape of War zone, including the demolition of the worst landmark on the map.

Since its launch in early March, Call of Duty: War zoneThe map has seen minimal visual changes, but a series of taunts about the game’s upcoming season makes fans speculate on big changes.

There are high hopes that something will be done about the game’s great sports arena. Verdansk Stadium has been a nuisance for a long time because you can’t reach rooftop campers unless you catch a helicopter, and the lack of interior access makes the stadium a huge obstacle if you’re running away from the gas wave. that constrains the map.

People think there is something in the stadium, because Activision wants the players to think that. With Season 5 content set to arrive in early August, Infinity Ward and Activision have sent some very interesting ones. War zone clips for popular content creators. The videos are just vague snippets, but there’s still plenty of information to unpack here about the future of War zone.

Last week, Popular War zone streamer “TeePee” received and transmitted a short clip of the inner section of the stadium. The view moves from a surveillance camera until it hits an explosion and the signal is lost. Again, we currently have no access to enter the stadium, but the clip is definitely meant to show the inside of the arena. Some people thought that the stadium dome would eventually retract, making a playable area inside the stadium. An explosion could simply mean that the end of the stadium is an obstacle. Of course, anything is possible when it comes to live events and map changes. FortniteThe Tilted Towers location was destroyed and rebuilt in several versions prior to the release of “Chapter 2” of the new game map. Maybe the blast just knocks the stadium roof down, or maybe it’s rebuilt and opened with new construction.

Amidst all speculation about the stadium’s future, another teaser focus on the vehicles has led to even wilder theories. The clip sent to “NickMercs” features grainy images from inside a train, then a helicopter flies, the ground shakes, and the train honks a horn. This could add some credibility to the runaway rumor mill, claiming that an update added coding for a moving train that would eventually be running through Verdansk. At this time, we have a train station and tracks, but all trains are stationary. A third teaser has been sent to YouTuber JackFrags, revealing the aftermath of the explosion revealed in the TeePee video, and a flying helicopter can be heard.

Some speculate that Season 5 will have moving trains filled with high-level loot. Others believe that the clips of trains and helicopters indicate that everyone is trying to escape evasion with a full evacuation from Verdansk, leading us to a new mark. War zone Map.

It is rumored that a War zone event would provide revelation this fall Call of Duty launch, in which we have not yet received any official announcement. However, credible Call of Duty The “TheGamingRevolution” leak has recently shared screenshots of a Promotional doritos for Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War. This reveals a presumably official logo and a possible October release.

As for the speculation that everyone is fleeing Verdansk, some people point to the evacuation signs located outside the stadium. An evacuation order is also mentioned in War zoneintelligence missions. But given War zone Just released in March, it seems too early to completely attack and abandon the Verdansk map. Maybe I’m wrong, but the stadium blast is more likely to be a contained blast, opening up the interior parts to make the location less absorbent. We could still get a Black ops integrated advertisement inside War zoneevent, and maybe Verdansk will expand to new areas, but I think a completely new and Black ops-thematic map does not make sense until launch.

Evacuation sign near the stadium

Evacuation sign near the stadium
Screenshot: Activision (Kotaku

So far, all of the previews have been sent to streamers via USB drives inside rook chess pieces. The tower pieces are based on the War zone narrative that moved from the end of the campaign. JackFrags read the card included with your tower piece, which is written by a character named Marcus Ortega, a senior officer at Shadow Company.

From Modern Warfare 2Shadow Company is an elite private military contractor who was under the command of the villain General Shepherd. A restarted timeline for Modern war It would allow the previously deceased General Shepherd to return, but regardless of who is making the decisions now, someone is sending the Shadow Company to clean up the chaos in Verdansk. They may decide that cleaning is easier if everything just works.

And then there are those nuclear weapons found hidden in some of the mysterious bunkers on the map, but I’m still not sure this is related.

Whatever is going to be kaboom, probably on August 5 due to the timestamp in previews, it’s unclear how big the explosion will be. I am ready to see a demolition at the stadium. If we hold onto Verdansk, then let’s see some spicy changes on the map.

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