Call of Duty: Warzone player transforms into ammunition box

IN Call of Duty: Warzone Player saw her teammate turn into an ammunition shark as she prepared to jump out of the spawn plane It is unclear what caused the glitch, but having an ammunition box instead of a teammate may not be a bad thing.

De Warzone player loaded into their game and marked locations where their team should drop. When her team got ready to jump out of the plane, one of the players mysteriously transformed an ammunition box. The players were confused about the situation and were forced to enter the match at a disadvantage.

Other players tried to come up with an explanation for the strange glitch, but most were just as confused as the player. One player claimed that the same glitch happened on her Xbox One console while her friend had no issues on her PS4. However, the original clip was recorded on PC, so it’s probably not an isolated issue on the Xbox One. The glitch does not directly affect players in a match, but it does cause them to start the match with one less teammate than other teams.

Another player also shared their recent issues with ammo boxes that appear as other objects. They claimed that armor boxes for them were bugged and converted into ammunition boxes upon deployment. In some cases, the box just throws nothing away and is just a waste of money.

These two glitches are just the latest issues Warzone players have experienced the last few weeks. These seem to be less playful or exploitable, but are still nasty problems that should not be present.