Call of Duty hints at opening of Warzone Stadium in latest trailer for season 5

After a few days of getting next to nothing, Call of Duty once again started teasing Modern Warfare and Warzone Season 5, this time through a cleverly worded tweet.

The teasers for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and Warzone Season 5 are nothing new. So far, Activision has released three official previews through popular content creators like NICKMERCS, TeePee, and JackFrags.

These advancements gave players small hints of what’s to come next in Warzone, like trains and an explosion at the stadium. After a few days with no further advancement, the official Call of Duty Twitter account posted what appears to be yet another advancement, this time hidden as an apparently innocent tweet.

The tweet features an image of the stadium area in Warzone, followed by text saying “our doors to open ideas” on what the arena should be called.

To the letter, the tweet seems to be nothing more than a way for the CoD Twitter to collect some commitment. However, the wording of the title is highly unlikely to be a coincidence, so it is probably safe to assume that this suggests that The stadium will finally open during season 5.

It’s also the most direct thing Activision has had access to the arena since it released some promotional works from Warzone a few weeks ago that showed the roof of the gigantic wide-open building.

The question now is how the developers will do this. Two of the previous teasers showed an explosion in the area, leading some people to believe that the top of the building is going to blow up. This tweet, however, seems to hint that the doors will literally open. Could this upcoming change be a combination of both?


Season 5 of Modern Warfare and Warzone will begin on August 5, 2020.

It shouldn’t be long before we know the answer, as Season 5 will launch on Wednesday August 5. Activision and Infinity Ward are likely to release official previews and a roadmap prior to the launch date, so we’ll know much more in the coming days.