Call of Duty 2020 title and possible release date leaked by Doritos

Call of Duty 2020 has yet to be officially announced, even though we are nearing the end of July.

We usually hear about the current year’s installment sometime in the spring, but Activision and Treyarch are taking a different approach with this year’s game.

Still, it has been basically an open secret that the new title takes place during the Cold War, possibly in Vietnam, and that it will be titled call of Duty Black Ops (imitating the restart Call of Duty: Modern Warfare in 2019) or Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War (or Call Of Duty Black Ops: Cold War—I’m not sure where we are supposed to put the colon.)

In any case, the latter has already been confirmed thanks to leaked promotional materials from Doritos. These were recently revealed by TheGamingRevolution on Twitter:

As you can clearly see from these leaked promotional images, Call Of Duty: Black Ops: Cold War It’s the official name of the game with the only caveat that, as with all the leaked stuff you find online, take this with a grain of salt. It could be false, although it doesn’t seem to be.

(And yes, figuring out where to put the colon in that game’s title is tricky, but at least it’s not. Black Ops V that Treyarch would surely write as IIIII instead of V since he titled the last game Black Ops IIII. I wouldn’t believe the amount of “fixes” we get spelled that way.)

In any case, that’s the name of the game and the promotion starts on October 5, which could be Black: Ops: Cold: War: ‘s release date (too much?) or it could be the start of the promotion. A similar promotion occurred for Modern war last year, starting earlier this month with the game coming out on October 25.

My guess, if this game comes out in October, it’s a release date of October 23. That’s a friday when Call of Duty games always come out (at least for the past few years) and it’s not the Friday before Halloween, which is probably not the best day to launch simply because a lot of people are worried about the holidays, although in the COVID-19 era, I I fear Halloween will be a very different party.

In any case, there you have it. Call Of Duty Black Ops Cold War it’s pretty mouthful, with or without a colon, but I’m really glad that we finally go back in time a bit, or at least we’ll have a “historical” story, even if the game jumps between time periods I like Black Ops 2. I’m ready to retire futuristic Call of Duty forever at this point and back to what made these games so fun to start.

My only sadness, and I will write about this separately in more detail, is that I love it Modern war and War zone and a kind of hope that the two remain compatible. I don’t want a new one War zone map for Black Ops Cold War, I want a pull apart map for that game, with a separate set of weapons and Battle Pass. Keep it all under him War zone banner but let us choose which game we want to play. I’m never so into it Black ops titles as i am Modern war

More on that later. I’m going to go play a little Modern war now. And eat this bag of Doritos Cool Ranch, the best type of Doritos and we will not discuss the matter.
