California Election Officials Order Republicans to Remove Illegal Ballot Drop

California’s top election officials are scrambling to find out how many illegal ballot drop-boxes have been placed by Republican staff in three counties across the state over the weekend, as local law enforcement officials continue to search for outstanding witnesses and potential suspects. The state’s Republican Party, meanwhile, has indicated it will not comply with an official order removing box boxes, and may add more.

On Monday, California Secretary of State Alex Pillai said his office, in conjunction with the state Department of Justice, issued a defense order to the California GOP to remove the illegal ballot drop in Los Angeles County, Orange Range County. And Fresno County.

Pedilla said notices were also sent to Republican parties in all three counties in question and gave them notice by Thursday to comply with the order to remove all dropbacks.

An unofficial ballot drop box appeared in front of a Baptist church in California. It has been removed.

CBS KCAL Los Angeles

“If they refuse to comply, then we will entertain all our legal options,” Pedila told a virtual press conference with State Attorney General Xavier Besera.

Last Thursday in Orange County, the regional director with the California Republican Party tweeted a photo of himself with a standing beside a black cabinet, with the caption, “Official Ballet Drop of Box X.” An employee of Jordan Taig encouraged voters to leave a message for “convenient places” to leave the polls.

Republicans say this is just a ballot harvest – a practice that allows volunteers, organizations or campaign workers to collect full ballots and leave them at the county’s election offices.

“Democrat anger is under control,” said Hector Barajas, a spokesman for the California GOP. He added that state laws and regulations do not indicate whether private institution drop bars are allowed.

Pedilla said some of the images he received at his office fees over the weekend were labeled as “official,” although they were not placed in those areas by county election officials. (California voters can find the location of the official ballot drop box here.)

One of the many options for California voters to return their mail-in ballot, the county election is choosing someone they trust to put the completed ballot on the fee. In 2016, the law was expanded to allow volunteers, campaign workers and private organizations, in addition to close family members, to return to the polls.

The ballot must be signed by both the voter and the person collecting it and will be dispatched to the local election office fee within 72 hours. The raptives can be paid by the hour to collect ballots in California, but they cannot be paid for the number of ballots they collect.

“In California, where you can go from house to house convicting individuals and individuals with criminal histories and collecting ballots from voters, Democrats are now annoyed because organizations, individuals and groups are giving their friends, family and supporters a chance. They know and trust. Leaving the polls with someone, Barajas said. “If we want to use the Santa bag, we can. A locked heavy box feels very safe, “he added.

According to Sacramento B, there were instructions on the Fresno County Republican website that read, “Don’t take your vote uncounted. Once your ballot has arrived in the mail, mark your ballot in full and then go inside. As soon as possible, at one of the safest places listed below. “The places listed include gun shops, a gas station and the county Republican headquarters. Now, the link to the locations of the illegal ballot box collection is empty, and Sacramento BA reports that Fresno County Republicans will remove the ballot box boxes by Thursday.

One issue arises from “misleading” Republicans and “misrepresenting” Bux, Padilla said, because voters believe they will vote in favor of election officials. He added that voters do not know who it is that they are dedicating their ballot to.

The secretary of state is still investigating how many of these boxes appeared over the weekend and how many voters used them. Padilla said all eligible ballots arriving at county election offices will be processed and counted with “appropriate ballots taken to ensure the integrity of the vote.”

The state’s Republican Party did not immediately respond when asked if it would comply with Thursday’s deadline, but state party spokesman Barajas later told CBS Sacramento that the operation would continue – with the word Despite the official “put out of the ballot box.

“We will continue our ballet harvesting programs,” Barajas said. Asked by CBS Sacramento why the Republican Party ranked his private ballot drop box first as “official,” he said, “There could be a difference if we put a ballot box on the street outside the corner here.” There are boxes that are inside the business premises. ”

Barajas said the California Republican Party would remove the word “official facial,” but would not remove the ban. He said they would be able to add more boxes at additional locations, including gun stores and churches across the state.

“Show us within the law, where we should stop,” Barajas told CBS Sacramento. “Tell us within the law, where we are breaking the law.” Regarding the threat of legal action by Padilla if the boxes are not removed, Barajas said: “We will see you in court.”

In Orange County, the hometown of the 48th Congressional District, a competitive race is underway between Democratic Harley Rowda and Republican Michelle Steele. County Registrar of Voters Neil Kelly told CBS News that at least six boxes were registered over the weekend, and he believes all cards were removed by Monday afternoon.

Kelly said the “disappointing part” is not knowing how many ballots have landed on the illegal box boxes in Orange County. “If I had that information, I would like to contact those voters,” Kelly added.

The Orange County District Attorney’s Office said it received reports of “many unauthorized ballot box boxes” over the weekend. A spokesman told CBS News that Bucks appeared in at least two cities in the county, adding that “we are looking for outstanding witnesses and potential suspects.”
