San Andreas, CA – With the July 4 weekend yet to come, Calaveras County is reporting 13 new cases of COVID-19, for a total of 53.
It is the largest case report since the pandemic began. “As we enter the holiday weekend of July 4, it is important that the public refrain from large-scale group activities and meetings that have been shown to spread COVID-19 infection,” emphasizes Dr. Dean Kelaita, County Health Officer.
“What we are seeing in Calaveras County continues to be a significant outbreak of COVID-19 in various regions of our community. Widespread community broadcasting is taking place throughout Calaveras. I want to emphasize the critical importance of people taking the proper precautions and acting as if everyone they come into contact with has COVID. “
He adds: “If things continue at this rate, we run a very serious risk of overwhelming our local hospital and the limited capacity of the ICU. If this disease trajectory continues, the virus is on the cusp of a spiral completely out of control. control in the Hills ”.
Kelaita advises: “If you must be outside, practice physical distance and use a cloth that covers your face at all times when you are close to others. Additional community mitigation actions will be reintroduced if these disease trends continue. These are actions like the forced closing of businesses, restaurants, warehouses and other group meetings as we have seen in neighboring counties. ”