You risk the health and life of my loved ones


Today, Prime Minister Boyko Borissov ordered to reduce the quarantine from 14 to 10 days, despite an increase in the number of people infected with coronavirus in the last week. This provoked mixed reactions, he said.

On this occasion, Dr. Boris Tablov, who works as an anesthesiologist in Germany, expressed an opinion posted on social media:

Open letter to the Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria

Dear Mr. Borisov,

I write this letter as a concerned citizen in connection with the press release I quote: “Prime Minister Boyko Borissov surprisingly announced that the quarantine of people infected with coronavirus in Bulgaria will be reduced from 14 to 10 days. In a statement to journalists. in Brussels, where he is meeting in the European Council, Borissov said that he had ordered that it be reduced, and minutes later a statement published on his Facebook account said that the quarantine would be reduced to 10 days. “.

As a physician who closely follows the issue of COVID-19, I believe that such a decision can only be made by experts with the necessary scientific knowledge to interpret the still-ambiguous scientific data on the harms and benefits of such a decision. With a strong increase in the number of patients entering health facilities, the lack of adequate coverage of the contact persons who gave positive samples, the express position for the face-to-face training of students, despite the many cases of sick teachers and students in recent days, making schools an ideal environment for growth. spread of the virus, insufficient unequivocal evidence that this quarantine period is optimal, such a decision creates the conditions for our health system to collapse with all the negative aspects of such a scenario.

The same healthcare system that it tried to protect from overload in the spring at the cost of much more radical measures, despite significantly fewer cases.

As a son, brother, uncle, nephew, cousin, I believe that with such a decision the health and indirectly the lives of my loved ones are at risk. In a pandemic that is claiming the lives of more and more people every day, your main task should be to limit the indirect damage from it, not to impose solutions that could lead to an increase in direct losses. Leaving the solutions of the medical part of the crisis to those who have the necessary competence and concentrating on the problems of other spheres of public life, which I am sure are no less decisive in facing the situation.

As a doctor and colleague, I believe that the decision you intend to impose puts the biological survival of every Bulgarian doctor who is actively involved in the treatment of patients at direct risk, regardless of the line in which he works. The day we mark the tragic death of another Bulgarian doctor, and the statistics show 43 new positive samples among healthcare workers, are you ready to call for just one measure, with the potential to make these statistics even more black?

And all this in the context of a growing number of alarming health establishments that have reached their maximum capacity, precisely due to lack of personnel. The state can have beds. But they will not save the needy.

Dear Prime Minister,

the fate of statesmen is such that they remain in history not so much with their successes as with their major failures. In recent months, we have seen many examples of politicians compromising on controversial decisions that have led to the loss of human life. Our wise people have said: measure seven times … Measure well before cutting. There is no going back after that.

With respect,

Boris Tablov

PAGES. I urge all sane people who agree with my position to find a way to express their support in the hope that they can hear us. Thank you!

Sofia, Bulgaria
