Yordanka Fandakova: We are considering a temporary closure of nightclubs in the capital


The number of beds for COVID patients in Sofia’s intensive care units is significantly decreasing. This was announced on “This Saturday” by the mayor of Sofia Yordanka Fandakova and added that she spoke about the problem with the directors of medical institutions.

Sofia is in the “red zone” due to the spread of the coronavirus. There are 594 new cases in the last 24 hours.

“New beds are being opened, but the situation with doctors, nurses and nurses is extremely serious. They become infected, they remain in quarantine. Additional measures are needed, in Bulgaria they are the lightest possible,” said Fandakova.

According to her, at this moment the control over the observance of the existing anti-epidemic measures is increased. He specified that during the last 10 days, more than 600 inspections have been carried out in public transport to carry safety equipment, 59 sanctions have been imposed. More than 2,000 retail establishments were inspected.

“My observations are that more and more people wear masks and become more disciplined. However, additional measures must be taken to make them effective. We will focus on places where distance cannot be observed and masks are not worn. Yesterday we discussed with our colleagues. the temporary closure of nightclubs, ”said the mayor of Sofia, adding that today the municipal headquarters will discuss additional measures.

Fandakova explained that it will not be possible to impose a night class in Sofia if the measure with nightclubs works. Regarding the possible discontent in the industry, he pointed out that the most important thing at this stage is to preserve people’s health.

“The forecasts for the coming days and weeks are for a double and triple increase in cases. There is no healthcare system that can resist. We are in contact with the affiliated organizations, it is important that the business works ((), but in the first place it is the preservation of our health system ”, he specified.

The mayor of Sofia explained that in order not to crowd the passengers in the metro, two additional trains were launched during rush hours. He specified that 10% of drivers do not work due to infection. According to her, people are at higher risk of contracting COVID-19 in their workplaces and she asked employers to comply with all measures against the epidemic in offices.

Regarding the work of the paid parking areas, Fandakova pointed out that there was chaos when they did not work and at the moment they are not expected to stop working again. He explained that if morbidity increases in the educational system, he will issue an order for students in the upper grades to connect.

Why the government remained in power at the risk of losing electoral support: see Yordanka Fandakova’s response on the video!
