Wonderful! Gypsy without internet became famous all over the world, he won a great prize!


The Spanish footballer from Cádiz closed the time without matches with a FIFA tournament he won. The news does not seem too surprising given that Fali Jiménez does not have internet at home and has never used a cell phone, Trud writes.

The 26-year-old defender borrowed a PlayStation from his friend, a fruit vendor, and led his team to a win at the Carranza eSports Trophy, which features players from the Spanish Championship. And to connect with the world was the neighbors’ wireless Internet connection. She didn’t even stop the incident before the semifinal with Ovidedo (3: 2), in which her little daughter smashed the television like a crash.

“My life is difficult, we do everything differently from others,” says Jiménez, who is a gypsy.

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“I married at 16, my wife was 14. A year later, I was already a father. But now I earn quite well for a gypsy,” added the footballer.

Fally promises to buy a cell phone if he scores a goal in the Super Final with Marco Asensio, who won first place among the players.

And Jiménez already knows the whole world about the feat.
