With the vaccine we go from defense to attack


Doncho Donchev Associate Professor of the Academy of Military Medicine He has already donated plasma seven times. He is also vaccinated because his antibodies have decreased after illness. Associate Professor Donchev wants to give personal example for the anti-vaccination campaign. He pointed out to Nova TV that it is still unknown how long natural immunity lasts after illness. The vaccine is somewhat safer.

The doctor pointed out that vaccination has saved us from a number of infectious diseases. Compare the pandemic to asymmetric warfare. Until now we have been in defensenoted associate professor Donchev. The vaccine will allow us to attack this enemy, in your opinion.

At first, he also gave double doses of plasma when there were not enough donors. Doncho Donchev is pleased that there is already an influx of donors. Plasma helps in the initial phase of the disease.

Will you be vaccinated against COVID-19?

As soon as possible

I am not scared

I’ll wait for time to pass

Only with the Russian vaccine

There is no such virus

We remember, until now 4,739 are vaccinated in Bulgaria with the first delivery of vaccines to Pfizer-BioNTech. The first stage of vaccination began exactly on December 27, according to european union plan, a the first vaccinated it was exactly the Minister of Health Kostadin Angelov.

We look forward to next week the second installment of vaccines and continue with the first phase, in which doctors and medical personnel will be vaccinated.

BioNTech chided the EU's inability to ask for enough COVID vaccine

BioNTech chided the EU’s inability to ask for enough COVID vaccine

Your vaccine is the first approved in the EU
