With new blockades, Europe ends the worst week since the start of the pandemic – World


The data from

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Reuters data shows that Bulgaria is currently at 55% of its peak in the spring. In red are the countries that are currently at the peak of the pandemic, in orange, they are close to record values.

Countries in Europe, from Denmark to Greece, have begun to apply strict restrictions to new areas and to countries arriving from a growing list due to the worst number of infected weeks since the start of the pandemic. On Thursday, the regional director of the World Health Organization announced that more than 300,000 new infections had been identified, more than the peak in March.

In the last two weeks, the number of new positive tests has doubled in more than half of European countries, added Hans Kluge. More than 5 million confirmed cases have been identified since the start of the pandemic on the continent, with more than 228,000 victims, according to the WHO. Reuters estimates that for every 100 infected people in the world, around 24 fall in Europe, and here 1 million new cases are added every 26 days.

Countries that Bulgaria opened for free travel less than a month ago report a record number of infected people. Israel It is the first country in the world to return to a national blockade, c Czech Republic new cases exceeded 3,000 per day, and in Turkey are planning new restrictions due to the increase in new cases and reports that almost 43% of specialists in infectious diseases and clinical microbiology are infected, and more and more doctors are leaving due to overload, according to a study cited by the newspaper Milliyet .

What is the movement of infected and dead (right) in Europe.

© Reuters

What is the movement of infected and dead (right) in Europe.

What is the movement of the infected and the dead (right) in Bulgaria.

© Reuters

What is the movement of the infected and the dead (right) in Bulgaria.

Greece announced on Friday that from Monday to October 4 it will strengthen measures in the Attica region around the capital: all indoor and outdoor concerts will be stopped, and meetings in public places will be limited to 9 people. Again, the number of people present at weddings, funerals and christenings is limited to 20. People over the age of 68 are advised not to leave much of their daughters, to wear masks and not to use public transportation. At least 40% of the work in companies and public and private institutions must be done at home and in shifts. The epicenter is in Athens, where almost a third of the population lives, and recently there are half of the more than 300 new cases every day. There are more than 15,000 infected and more than 330 dead.

Blockades, again in and around the capital, were imposed on Friday in Spain, with restrictions in the poorest areas of Madrid that affect more than 850,000 people. Traffic between 6 neighborhoods and suburbs is almost stopped, access to parks and public places is restricted, shops must close at 10 pm, meetings cannot exceed 6 people, but business trips will not be reduced in the country with more (640,000, of which 4,700 new only on Friday) were infected in Western Europe and more than 30,500 died. In the areas affected by the new measures, new cases have reached 1,000 per 100,000 and authorities have criticized the “lifestyle of immigrants.”

The same thing happened on the last working day in the Ile-de-France area around Paris. The authorities recommended avoiding private gatherings of more than 10 people (just as a “hot recommendation”, this also applies to the capital! France new daily cases are at a record level: there are already more than 9,300 every day, which is the first permanent increase since March-May (at the end of May they decreased to 272). The new cases (13,215 on Friday, an absolute record) are mainly among the young, but there is also an increase among those over 75, as well as those in intensive care units. In one week, the death toll rose from 129 to 419. Part of the explanation is the 6-fold increase in the number of tests paid for by the government.

The government of Ireland announced restrictions on Friday for the capital Dublin, where it banned the use of restaurant interiors and advised people to refrain from traveling.

Britain is likely to return to national restrictions due to the coronavirus by early October at the latest.

© Reuters

Britain is likely to return to national restrictions due to the coronavirus by early October at the latest.

Here is the situation in some of the other larger countries:

Russia there are 6065 new cases on Saturday, which is data for the first time on 6 thousand people in 2 months; nearly 1.1 million were infected and 19,339 died. However, the country is at 55% of its peak in the spring.

Poland announced 1002 new cases on Saturday, the largest increase in 24 hours since the start of the pandemic; from 7 days the infected are constantly growing

Britain likely to return to national health lockdowns in 2 weeks; Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Friday that he did not want new restrictions, but that they seemed inevitable as the country faced an “inevitable second wave” of COVID-19.

– Germany announced on Saturday that almost 2,300 new cases were confirmed, with a total number exceeding 270,000; The deaths according to the Ropert Koch Institute are 6 more and a total of 9,384.
