Will the Ministry of the Interior control us much more after a new order from the Minister of Health?


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A new order of the Minister of Health Kostadin Angelov began to move, regarding the National Information System to Combat COVID-19, which provides centralized management and storage of information for all confirmed COVID-19 cases and quarantined people and provides functional support to all competent institutions. ghosts on social media, write actualno.com.

The reason – the information system to combat COVID-19 will have an extremely wide range of institutions – RHI, Ministry of the Interior, GPs, hospitals, laboratories that perform laboratory tests for coronavirus, municipalities, NSSI, NHIF, Directorates of Social care.

Specifically, this wide access is allowed to these authorities to the registry of people in quarantine and to confirmed cases of COVID-19 placed in isolation in a hospital or at their home.

It is an interesting fact that not all the previous institutions have access to the reference module based on the registry of people in quarantine. For example, the Ministry of the Interior does not have access to this module.

In fact, they have access from the Ministry of Health, the National Health Insurance Fund and the National Operational Headquarters to Combat COVID-19.

Why does the Ministry of the Interior have access to the registry of those in quarantine? The explanation is contained in the order itself: the employees of the General Directorate “Border Police” of the Ministry of the Interior automatically send data to the registry in real time on all persons who enter the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria and are subject to quarantine (item 15, subtopic b).

And according to point 17, the bodies of the Ministry of the Interior have access to comply with the obligations to control people in quarantine. Therefore, the municipalities also have access to this data.

The ferment in this case is that the system for each quarantine, whether diagnosed with COVID-19 or not, includes the following personal data: name, surname of the father and family, sex, citizenship, age, unique civil number (personal number of a foreigner or ID), contact telephone number, place of quarantine or isolation, start and end date of quarantine or home isolation).

The Ministry of the Interior and the municipal authorities have access to this data. However, data entry laboratories also enter data into the system for other parameters (according to Annex 4) – for the respective sample, including saliva, blood and urine.

However, according to the order of the Minister of Health, the Ministry of the Interior does not have access to the database with the registry of people in quarantine, but then how do you verify who is in quarantine and where to be, to verify if you observe the quarantine?

