Will of the week: Bernie Sanders was going to be president




Given that this week 100 percent of Bulgarians are kibbutzim and 50 percent are US election experts, I dug up an old hat from Bernie Sanders’ 2016 presidential campaign.

Bernie is the man who could be president now if the Democratic elite in America hadn’t screwed him up. He is currently the most respected politician in the United States. The right also respects it. It could easily have alienated Trump then and now.

In 2016, WikiLeaks disclosed internal Democratic Party emails instructing local activists to do dirty things to Bernie. There was a great stench and Hillary’s staff perfumed it with the invention that the Kremlin had hacked the server because their man was Trump. There was a great scandal and in the summer congress the deputies expelled the president of the party Debbie Schultz whistling and throwing tomatoes.

This year, the same. Bernie ran again and began to win first place in the primaries, but curiously received fewer delegates than second. And some counts have gone on for months, one may not be done yet. This led to the so-called “Super Tuesday”, in which 10 states vote at the same time. And on the eve of Super Tuesday, 5 of the top candidates who for some reason dropped out of the race and held a rally in support of Joe Biden. It wasn’t just Senator Elizabeth Warren who shared the same constituency with Bernie. Let’s call it “social democrat”. He no longer had a chance and he had to be behind Bernie. Then I would take all 10 states. And then they went to Biden.

What does this have to do with the plot of the week? As we know, a major electoral scandal is currently taking place in the United States. Again, the charges are against the assets of the Democrats. Since they screwed up their brightest leader, why not screw Trump? They are proven criminals.

This time, in the states under their control, they sent ballots to all residents. An estimated 70 million voted this way. But there is no way to control if the ballot reached the right person, if they actually filled it out and mailed it. In many cases, Republican observers are not admitted to the census, although the law explicitly requires it.

Imagine the situation: the blinds are down, the boxes of new and new ballots appear from somewhere, and the Republican is outside and gnashing his teeth. It is very clear that Trump will not accept the results and that the Republicans will file lawsuits. Eventually, it will reach the Supreme Court.

And there was no need for shashmalogies, they just had to let Bernie win. The problem is that he declares himself a “democratic socialist”, and in America the word “socialist” was taboo until recently. But Bernie’s views literally coincide with those of the same party 40 years ago. Sanders offers something well known and proven better than current neoliberalism. Now what happens? Whichever outcome is announced, one of the parties will not accept it.

Biden’s motto is that he is fighting for the “soul of the American people.” Well now there will be a deep wound in this soul.

Why did this huge opposition arise? Because thanks to the “third way” of the Democrats, the United States has achieved record social inequality in its entire history. People have gotten angry, the poor have hated the rich, and crowds are already looting entertainment stores, taking over the Bastille of light industry. At the same time, the Democrats are trying to convince them that the problem is racism, fascism and the anti-gender of the Republicans.

At the moment, both parties dance something like tango. Or maybe a waltz. The left-wing party, that is, the Democrats, abandoned their previous causes and lost the workers’ electorate. The right, led by Trump, immediately enters the vacant space and rallies the electorate. I can list at least 5 very serious areas Democrats have turned 180 degrees in just 5 years.

In the past, it was clear that the Democrats were the party of wage labor. Now it turns out that Trump is the savior of the working class. Great joke.
