Why Borisov is allowed to be blackmailed like that – Analysis


There's something worse than being ruled by GERB: being ruled by an irresponsible little partner who twists their arms.

© Georgi Kozhukharov

There’s something worse than being ruled by GERB: being ruled by an irresponsible little partner who twists their arms.

The analysis was republished by Deutsche Welle.

The protests this year showed that Borissov could not even decide to resign on his own. And while investigative journalists reveal his hidden dependence on Mr. Peevski and his party, even more ridiculous is the public blackmail that his little coalition partner is subjecting him to. And who liquidates what remains of his authority.

We dislike Simeonov for his brutal style, but he still fits an understandable political logic: We imagine that the law on the game can protect the morale of the nation or we assume that it can be aimed at benefiting a future gamer. . But the IMRO case seems to go beyond normal political science.

What party is IMRO

Let us write down the name of this party, together with the one that the supposedly European GERB governs us: it claims that it will carry out a “revolutionary” activity (sic!) “Within” neighboring countries. If, with such a great love for history, he remembered distancing himself from his terrorist past in the 1920s and 1930s, which led to the assassination of a Bulgarian minister and a Serbian king, I have not traced him. In any case, the pirates Djambazki throws at protesters against his party remain today, in a role in which he is apparently trying to replace the detached dean of ethno-nationalism, Volen Siderov.

The legislative activity of the organization is often strange. They introduced a lobbying law on fuels, They put pressure on the small merchants, they thought of a referendum to replace the Grand National Assembly, and now they thought of regulating truffles. But not everything is so fun and harmless. The concept of this party for the integration of gypsies, as well as ideologically related ideas for the introduction of educational qualifications on the issue of voting racist attitudes without disguise. They incite hatred against refugees and LGBTI people, they fight ingloriously with Brussels, where one of their MEPs insults his colleagues of origin and the other fights for the freedom to smoke. Is Mr. Borissov trying to contain his outbursts? Or, on the contrary, does he deliberately push them forward like murets to deflect indignation from himself?

Many of these follies have a real result, and it does not suit the ruler GERB. The Istanbul Convention would pass and become a useful series of recommendations, as it was accepted in Western Europe. However, the IMRO lied to citizens that someone would change the sex of their children, and created the mythical genre creature that invades bathrooms and shoots them in intimate poses. As we have seen, this issue will not go away easily, the European Parliament reminded us recently in its resolution on Bulgaria. And worst of all, we have become the laughing stock of a nation that is clearly unable to read ten pages “with understanding.”

At that time, the Constitutional Court was urgently mobilized to save the ruling coalition with its strange decision of a supposed contradiction between the convention and our constitution, so that we Bulgarians are Australopithecus whose sexes are only biological (thank goodness, a few worthy judges differs from this absurdity).

Was all this comfortable for Borisov?

It remains a mystery why the media, controlled by Peevski, ignite such passions. What game do they play? Double, triple?

Another culture war waged by the alleged voivodes was directed against the Child Protection Act, where they again sided with biology, in the name of which a parent could abuse their child as they see fit. Where does this empty biology come from and how do they combine it with Christianity, in which they constantly swear? I know of Christianity that values ​​the spirit, not the body. Modern law, on the other hand, understands paternity as a legal connection, not a biological one, which makes its ideas legally ridiculous.

To understand these ideological niceties, we must turn to the American evangelicals who today are behind the alternative right-wing Trump and increasingly influencing the far-right around the world. The same xenophobia and homophobia thrive among these people, they like to arm themselves, believe nonsense on the internet, and of course, to wage a holy jihad against Archbishop Soros (No, we didn’t even make it up, not even Orban!). If you are wondering why our people have not started the fight against abortion, as in the program of such trainings, remember the “responsible parenting” of the mentioned anti-Roma concept: the birth rate is a good thing, but if only the our give birth.

Sale of Bulgarian citizenship, non-transparent funding of the NGOs themselves and declaring foreign traitors agents, the sudden purchase without auction of expensive military equipment in the midst of the crisis: these things we no longer even notice in the context of the biggest scandals around the partner larger. We no longer have the strength to be really outraged by the name change of the script from Slavic to Bulgarian, again invented by VMRO, a symbolic gesture that pushes us to a corner of history, from where we will helplessly protest against the “insults” inflicted on us. who I do not recognize the ridiculous name change.

The big hit

The big blow that IMRO inflicted on our national interest was the veto of North Macedonia (but it wasn’t a veto, it was an extension of the hand or whatever they said there). In a desperate attempt to win back some or another percentage of the elections, these people ruined the dreams of generations of Bulgarians to eliminate this southwestern border and live in a political space with their brothers on the other side.

What do we want from them? Nobody understood. From the uninitiated (by them, by us?) Runner number 8, to an insult inflicted by a Macedonian, to the fact that they did not love us and did not enjoy our membership in the EU in 2007. We recognize their identity, but they don’t call their Macedonian language. We insist that history is a set of facts, and at the same time we want them to admit that the occupation of their territory in the 1940s was not “fascist”, it was “liberation”, that is, accepting a certain interpretation of these facts. On top of that, however, is the charge that the Macedonians did not miscommunicate, that they had a “totalitarian historical narrative.” This calls for a government in which The deputy prime minister is the historian and agent of State Security “Iván” …

Summarizing all these demands, he invariably understands that they cannot be met and that instead of a rapprochement between the two peoples, they seek conflict and division. Many interpretations have been heard that these beauties of ours may be fulfilling some foreign order: to Moscow, to Belgrade, to Paris (which is against the recent enlargement).

I think it is simpler. If our problem with the Macedonians is solved, as would naturally happen in a common European Union, the very reason for the existence of this “Macedonian internal organization” will disappear – and ours, and the neighbors. The longer the “revolutionary” struggle lasts, the longer both will exist. And the result of all this glorious nose-rubbing of the weakest is that it erases Borissov’s most undeniable political success, which would have gone down in history: his efforts to support the enlargement of the EU to the Western Balkans. A policy enthusiastically adopted in Bulgaria and respected abroad. Did you understand Or are you interested in other non-historical works today?

I am not a supporter of GERB, but there is something worse than being governed. And that is ruling ourselves under the dictates of an irresponsible little partner who twists their arms. If I see the benefit of the majority system, it is that it would eliminate such unnatural coalitions, as they say, to know at least who you are protesting against.

The column “Analysis” presents different points of view, the opinions expressed do not necessarily coincide with the editorial position of “Dnevnik”.
