WHO: Remdesivir does not treat COVID-19 – EU


Remdesivir does not improve chances of survival with COVID-19, showed a large study by the World Health Organization (WHO), cited by the Financial Times.

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This is a completely unexpected reversal of findings made in the United States earlier this year for the drug, the authoritative publication notes.

Interim results from the WHO-coordinated Solidarity clinical trial indicate that remdesivir, hydroxychloroquine, lopinavir / ritonavir, and interferon have little or no effect on the 28-day death rate or the hospital course of COVID-19 treatment. of hospitalized patients ”, found the WHO.

The Solidarity study, which covers patients in more than 30 countries, examines the effect of treatment with these drugs on indicators such as mortality and length of hospital stay, writes BTA.

The study found that none of the treatments “significantly affected mortality” and reduced the patients’ need to breathe.

Meanwhile, those infected with KOVID-19 around the world are growing rapidly.

We remind you that two days ago the government decided to allocate 2.1 million BGN for the purchase of 2,500 bottles of Remdesivir. 1 vial costs 345 euros without VAT.

Allocate BGN 2.1 million for the purchase of Remdesivir

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Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19)

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