WHO predicts a third wave of the pandemic in Europe


PHOTO: Reuters

World Health Organization envoy for COVID-19, David Nabaro, predicts a third wave of pandemics in Europe in early 2021 if governments do not do what is necessary again, as happened before the second wave, Reuters reported. .

“During the summer months, they were unable to build the necessary infrastructure after dominating the first wave,” Nabaro said in an interview with Swiss media. “Now we have a second wave. If they don’t build the necessary infrastructure, at the beginning of next year we will have a third wave,” added the Briton, who in 2017 unsuccessfully ran for director general of the WHO, reports BTA.

Europe briefly enjoyed a reduction in incidence, but now it’s back up: Germany and France had a total of 33,000 new cases on Saturday, Switzerland and Austria have thousands of cases a day, and Turkey has reported a record 5,532 new cases. .

In an interview, Nabaro drew attention to Switzerland’s decision to allow skiing with a requirement to wear masks on the lifts, given that other Alpine countries such as Austria have closed ski resorts. He said Switzerland could reach “a fairly high level of morbidity and mortality.”

“Once the incidence decreases, and it will decrease, we can be as free as we want,” Nabaro told Zoloturner Zeitung. “But right now? Should the ski resorts be open? Under what conditions?”

Nabaro praised the actions of some Asian countries, such as South Korea, where the incidence is now relatively low. “People are completely committed, they wear masks, they adopt behaviors that prevent the virus. They keep their distance, they wear masks, they isolate themselves when they are sick, they wash their hands and surfaces. They protect the most threatened groups.”

Nabaro added that Asia has not relaxed the measures prematurely. “We have to wait until the number of cases is low and stays that way,” he said. “Europe’s reaction was incomplete.”
