Who owns the “covered” beaches near “Evksinograd” – Bulgaria


Who has

© Nikolai Angelov / WhATA

The Evksinograd farm, on the territory of which is located the government residence of the same name near Varna, has in fact appropriated three beaches enclosed between its territory and the sea. This showed a new inspection of “Dnevnik”. Without specifying the reason, the administration of the Council of Ministers announced in response to the questions that the aquatic rescue, medical attention and cleaning of the beaches is carried out by and on behalf of the farm. The three beaches do not appear in the updated register of beaches on the Black Sea coast, prepared by the Minister of Tourism Mariana Nikolova at the end of August.

Earlier this week, a Dnevnik post described how the state itself had violated the Constitution and its legislation by making it impossible for citizens to move freely to three beaches north of Varna for years. In the cadastral records, they are listed with separate numbers such as “Euxinograd -1, 2 and 3” respectively and have a total area of ​​43,215 m2. Access to them is possible only through the territory of the government residence “Euxinograd”, but with many conditions and only for a fee. This practice has been imposed for years by resorts on the Black Sea coast and the state has been unable to combat it. In the case of Euxinograd, however, the state is clearly violating its own laws.

Dnevnik sent questions to the press center of the Council of Ministers that needed to be clarified

if the beaches “Evksinograd – 1, 2 and 3” are rented

or for rent, as is the practice that applies throughout the Black Sea coast. As well as to understand who, for what reason and at whose expense provides aquatic rescue, medical attention and cleaning of the three beaches, if they do not have a concessionaire or tenant?

The response sent literally says the following:

“The beaches of the sea, which are accessible through the territory of the” Evksinograd “estate, have not been rented or rented. The water rescue, medical care and cleaning of the same beaches is carried out by the” Evksinograd “estate. .

The missing answer

for the reason why the estate “Evksinograd” maintains the cleanliness and safety of the beaches, in practice it means only one thing: three real estate – state public property, such as the marine beaches “Evksinograd – 1, 2 and 3” , are somehow attached to their territory without clear reasons.

At the end of August this year the newly appointed Minister of Tourism, Mariana Nikolova, signed an order to update the list of marine beaches in the districts of Dobrich, Varna and Burgas. It describes absolutely all the beaches along the coast from Durankulak to Rezovo, but all three are omitted: “Evksinograd – 1, 2 and 3”. About the question what is the reason for this, no response received until the end of the work on this text.

Further responses to questions sent to the administration of the Council of Ministers late last week showed that in clear violation of the Constitution and the Development Law of the Black Sea Coast, access to the three beaches is only possible in two cases. . The first: if you are part of the circle of those called. “eligible” or a senior government official. The second – if you manage to buy a package for a vacation in the residence and only in its “low” season.

According to the text of Decree No. 118 of the Council of Ministers, which entered into force in 2009 for the period from August 1 to 31

with an advantage for a holiday in “Evksinograd”

They have the following officials and their families: the President of the National Assembly, the President, the Prime Minister, the President of the Constitutional Court, the Vice Presidents of the National Assembly, the Vice President, the Deputy Prime Ministers, the Attorney General, the President of the Supreme Court of Cassation The Supreme Administrative Court, the presidents of the permanent commissions of the National Assembly, the ministers, the members of the Constitutional Court, the president of the National Audit Office, the Secretary General of the National Assembly, the Secretary General of the President and the Secretary General of the Council of Ministers.

How citizens outside this circle can book a vacation in the residence, public property of the state, says Nikolay Angelov of the architectural group WhATA. In summary, the procedure looks like this:

You call in May to make a reservation, but there are places for September, as June and July are already occupied, and

August is only for the rulers

After completing the form with PIN and other personal data, a study and possible approval follow. Results arrive in mid-August and you must transfer the full amount in advance. The holiday card can be obtained from the doorman of the Council of Ministers or directly from “Evksinograd”.

You can access the three “inland” beaches only if you are one of those included in the first list or are among the lucky ones who went through the procedure described.

Up on the beach on the right

© Nikolai Angelov / WhATA

Upper right beach “Evksinograd – 1”

The first is

Euxinograd – 1 “

and is located in the northernmost part of the beach in front of the residence. Access to it is blocked by a quay wall, which is part of the land leased to the National Security Service.

Euxinograd – 2 “

It is a small beach located below the restaurant of the residence. Part of it was conquered from the sea by a coastal revolt.


© Nikolai Angelov / WhATA

Beach “Evksinograd – 2”

It is the largest of the three beaches

Euxinograd – 3 “

It is located in the southernmost part of the coast below the “Trakata” area in Varna. On the very edge of the beach with the residence 12 individual villas are built for vacations on hot days. One edge of the beach is a quay wall with a lighthouse, part of the protected area of ​​the farm. However, access to the beach is also blocked from the west. There a stone embankment with a fence was built in the sea, which according to the cadastral map is also included in the protected territory of “Evksinograd”.

The beach

© Nikolai Angelov / WhATA

The beach “Evksinograd – 3”

There is a room

beach, which is not marked on the cadastral map.

It is small and only serves the so-called. “Sunny bungalow”. It is a luxurious two-story villa in which only former dictator Todor Zhivkov and his family rested. Now the night is among the most expensive in the residence.

The little beach in front of the call

© Nikolai Angelov / WhATA

The small beach in front of the so-called “Sunny Bungalow”

According to art. 4., para. 1 of the Law on the development of the Black Sea coast “citizens have

right to free and free access

It may be limited only in cases related to the national security and defense of the country, the protection and control of the state border, the protection of protected areas and sites, in danger to their health or life, as well as in other cases. determined by law.

So far, in the information provided by the administration of the Council of Ministers on the blocked access to the beaches “Evksinograd – 1, 2 and 3”, there is no evidence that they fall into any of the above categories.

Dnevnik also sent questions to the National Security Service (NSS) about whether they had commitments to beach safety and what commitments they had, but no responses were received by the end of the working day on Friday.
