Who is the European money for, for Bulgaria or for Borisov? And why Yoncheva and the left in Brussels want to stop them


In two weeks, they present reports on legality in all EU countries.

The mechanism for suspending EU funds is only possible in case of significant misuse of EU funds, and in Bulgaria there is none so far. This was explained to “24 Chasa” by MEP Emil Radev, who is also deputy head of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, before which the vice president of the European Commission Vera Yurova was heard.

“EU funds can be suspended in any country in case of proven abuses, but Bulgaria is not in that situation at the moment. We were in such a situation in 2013 with the Oresharski government, when violations were found and one was stopped. part of the EU funds for our country, ”Radev commented, adding that protests in the country could not affect our EU funds.

However, future plans in the EU are stricter rules on the allocation of European money. In recent years, the European Parliament has called for the allocation of European money to be linked to the rule of law. “When discussing the framework for the next programming period 2021-2027, we saw that the council does not have much support for this type of mechanism, although the parliament continues to insist,” explains Emil Radev.

the Irish


Claire dali

He asked

stop european money

for Bulgaria

as an echo of the speech of MEP Elena Yoncheva, who gave an extremely negative tone towards Bulgaria, which was adopted by several MEPs, mainly from the left, at the meeting of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) in the European Parliament. The money used by Bulgarian taxpayers from the European Commission budget goes mainly to agriculture, metro, science and education and cohesion with the West in general. After all, this is money for Bulgarian taxpayers, not Boyko Borissov.

The idea of ​​punishing the prime minister in this way is nonsense, because this money is used by Bulgarian citizens and if they are really stopped in the way Euroleas speak, that means the liquidation of Bulgarian agriculture for sure. And it goes against the Common Agricultural Policy, which can affect the security of the EU in general, because food production is a matter of national security and sustainability of the whole Union.

It was expected to be a procedural meeting in which the Vice President of the European Commission for Transparency and Values, Vera Yurova, would report on the current status of the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism (SME), which applies to Bulgaria and Romania.

Despite the generally positive evaluation of

EC, which for

Once again

confirm that



mechanism for

our country,

Yoncheva made an extremely blunt statement, and her motto was picked up and reinforced by some left-wing MEPs. The Irish Claire Dali of the group of the European United Left even caused a scandal with the deputy director of the European Commission Vera Yurova.

“Scandalous levels of corruption, lack of freedom of the press, ineffective reforms, systematic violations of fundamental human rights, widespread disregard for European principles, constant propaganda and fake news spread by the authorities themselves. Journalists beaten and threatened, businessmen blackmailed, show operations against opposition leaders. ”This is how Elena Yoncheva, MEP of BSP / Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats described the situation in Bulgaria. Yoncheva described the changes to the constitution proposed by GERB as“ born in fear and in darkness ”.

“Today is the time for the EC to choose which one is more expensive for it: democracy in Bulgaria or Boyko Borissov,” Elena Yoncheva concluded with a strong attack on the EC representative who came to report.

As an echo and with direct attacks on the EC, he followed the position of the Irish Claire Dali, who

accused Yurov and

all commission on


“If the EC really believes that the progress in Bulgaria in the last 13 years is good, then my conclusion is that you are either deeply incompetent or fully serving Boyko Borissov’s interests due to your relations with certain groups in this European Parliament and all over the world. The EU, “said the MEP from the European United Left. She directly proposed stopping EU funding for Bulgaria.

“People on the streets of Sofia want to know if you will strictly control this monitoring, but also if you will stop the money of these bandits. Because European funds empower these people and allow them to encounter large-scale corruption, which actually punishes people. the Bulgarians, “Claire Dali added, describing” the EC’s inaction as complicity with Borissov. “

Yurova was affected by the Irishman’s comment. “I categorically deny the accusation that I am


from Mr. Borisov

Please don’t insult me ​​like that. I do my work in conditions of total honesty and transparency, “Yurova said indignantly.

Representatives of other leftist formations also insisted on stopping European money. Tineke Strick of the Greens commented that the rule of law in our country is constantly deteriorating and speaks of “endemic corruption”. She also spoke about the brutal police violence against protesters and called for criminal proceedings and the suspension of European funds for our country.

However, the deputy chief of the EC acknowledged that the institution does not have unlimited powers. “We need to be aware of the measures that the EC can and cannot take. It is not a member of a constitutional court, nor can it play the role of prosecutor or arbitrator in national politics. Here


to intervene


Member states “,

said Vera Yurova, throwing the ball into the EU Council field.

Earlier in his report, he did the same, saying that despite the EC and EP recommendations to abandon SMEs in Bulgaria, the final decision rests with the EU Council, which is now chaired by Germany.

“Our efforts are now focused on the new rule of law mechanism, under which the EC evaluates both Bulgaria and all other EU members,” said Vera Yurova. She reported that

The 23th of September

The EC will present

the first similar


Yurova stressed that legality has a direct bearing on investor activity and the state of the economy, adding that the issue is expected to be an indicator of EU funding for economic recovery from the coronavirus pandemic.

The next report on Bulgaria will express concern about freedom of expression and the state of the media. The situation is similar in many other EU countries, Yurova explained.

The deputy head of the EC highlighted that the report on SMEs of October 2019 establishes that Bulgaria’s progress is sufficient to consider the commitments assumed by the country after its accession to the EU have been fulfilled. However, it emphasizes that Bulgaria must implement the specific recommendations of the EC. They are among them

reforms by


the fight with


procedures for

responsibility and

responsibility of

the boss fiscal,

compliance with the recommendations of the Venice Commission, as well as opportunities for action against prosecutors in criminal proceedings. “It is clear that the citizens of Bulgaria and Romania want us to continue monitoring and lobbying through standardized instruments, not emergency ones. For this reason, reports on the rule of law are now being debated, which should be annual prevention tools. They are comparable to SMEs, but pursue broader objectives, “added the deputy director of the EC.

Elena Yoncheva: The Bulgarians will not suffer

voters, but only those who

serve the corruption model

They can absolutely stop the money from European funds. As Vera Yurova said, it should not be forgotten that there are procedures to suspend funds for violations of the rule of law.

I would not feel guilty if something like this happened, because the money destined for Bulgarian voters will not stop. Only those who are in favor of the corruption model will be arrested. This is part of the tools that the European Parliament and the European Commission can use to regulate the rule of law.

Then the money will come again, but not in this corrupt way, where 50% is reserved.

We have had EU funding cut twice

– with Stanishev and Oresharski

– The first on the Batko and Bratko affair and the frauds under PHARE, SAPARD and ISPA

– Under the last BSP government, the “Environment” and “Regional Development” programs were stopped due to public procurement.

So far, European money for Bulgaria has been suspended twice. The first was during the tripartite coalition with Prime Minister Sergei Stanishev in 2008, when funds from the pre-accession programs ISPA, PHARE and SAPARD were frozen. The reason was the Batko and Bratko affair and a conflict of interest on the road fund. Then-boss Veselin Georgiev had awarded public contracts worth more than BGN 120 million to a company run by his younger brother. After eight years of trial, Veselin Georgiev was acquitted by the court.

The SAPARD agricultural program money was suspended for fraud with the purchase of old equipment and its presentation as new.

The thaw of money took place in 2009 after the implementation of the so-called action plan with measures: the road fund became an agency, increased control of orders, etc.

The second suspension of European money took place in 2013 under the rule of BSP and MRF led by Plamen Oresharski. In November 2013, payments for water projects under the Environment program were suspended for the first time due to problems with public procurement. In June 2014, the EC also froze part of the Regional Development OP.

The money was released after Bulgaria reviewed all contracts under the two programs and imposed financial penalties on municipalities.

Many voices are being raised in favor of linking the rule of law in EU countries to the EU funding they receive. At the hearing before the LIBE commission, the deputy director of the EP EC, Vera Yourova, confirmed that the allocation of EU funds for the economic recovery from the coronavirus pandemic will take into account the indicators of the new legality reports, to be presented on September 23. . She did not elaborate on which funds from the future long-term budget could be affected.

This will depend on the negotiations on the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) and the Reconstruction Fund with a total amount of 1.8 trillion euros. Talks between the EU Council and the EP are still in an early stage, although time is running out if the MFF is to enter into force in 2021. Linking respect for the rule of law to the payment of EU funds It is one of the most important. sensitive issues in negotiations. The EP insists on such a commitment. Many are voting with both hands, but Hungary has already threatened to block the budget if it is not profitable for Budapest.
