What to do if we detect COVID-19 (Infographic)


How to Avoid the Insidious Virus: Tips from US Health Services Step by Step

43 million people around the world have been infected with coronavirus since the beginning of the pandemic, 1.2 million have died and the number of infected continues to rise. What should we do if we or our loved ones have COVID-19 or are vulnerable to the virus? These are the advice of American experts published by CNN.

He suffers the disease, suffocates and feels very tired, and is older; he must be admitted to the hospital immediately.

In case of mild discomfort, but without accompanying risk factors, the doctor will advise you not to go out, to rest, to drink a lot of fluids and to monitor if your condition becomes complicated.

“People with mild symptoms can recover at home, but

it should not be

show outside

In case of deterioration and the need for medical attention, they should call the hospital wanting an examination and not travel there by public transportation or taxis, “said the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) of the United States.

Get prepared

in advance

When you are not in immediate danger, but are potentially at risk: you have diabetes, hypertension, lung and immune problems, you are over 60 years old, you are expecting a baby, then you should stay home as much as possible and be in constant contact with your doctor. .

Before the infection spreads in your family, among neighbors and friends, make a list of their phone numbers, as well as those of the nearest GP, laboratory, clinic, hospital, ambulance.

In order not to panic over a problem, it is good for parents to make a preliminary plan and decide who to turn to for help with childcare if mom and dad get sick, says pediatrician Tanya Altman. Also consider how to organize your privacy.


in advance

with the following


– Working thermometer (at more than 37.7 degrees it may be infected). Disinfect it regularly;

– Medicines to lower the temperature such as paracetamol;

– Protective masks and rubber gloves;

– A set of prescription drugs for other diseases for 2 to 3 months;

– Hand soap and wipes with 70% alcohol. Antibacterial soap is not needed if you wash your hands properly;

– Tissues;

– Detergents, household gloves, garbage bags. For disinfection you can make a solution with bleach;

Remember –


the disinfectant,

hot water


The use of these funds several times a day should become automatic: it protects against viruses and bacteria.

Avoid touching your mouth, eyes, and nose with unwashed hands. Rinse with plenty of soap and rinse with warm water for a long time; It’s enough time to sing the whole Happy Birthday song.

You can also use medical wipes with at least 70% alcohol.

Cough and sneeze into disposable wipes, which you dispose of immediately. If not, at least cover your mouth with your sleeve.

Regularly clean the most used surfaces with detergent and disinfectant: the bathroom, tables, light switches, door handles and kitchen appliances, your phone, the computer keyboard.

Ventilate your home as often as possible, especially if the weather permits.

If you have Covid-19, wear a mask when you go to the doctor or hospital to care for others. Use it at home, unless you are choking or unable to put it on and take it off without help.

If purchases are left at your door, put on gloves to store them. Wash dishes in warm soapy water or in the dishwasher, then rinse your hands again. Do not exchange glasses, utensils, towels,

do not use common sheets,

do not shake the clothes of sick people to avoid spraying the virus. Put on gloves when loading the washing machine and then throw them away, the CDC warns. If you use reusable items, please wash and disinfect them, do not use them for other purposes, and wash your hands after taking them off. Only separate the waste container from sick people.

Remember: call 112 immediately if you or a loved one has the following symptoms: sudden or increasing shortness of breath; Shortness of breath; persistent pain or heaviness in the chest; lack of oxygen; bluish lips and face; if you are unable to wake or get your loved one out of bed. Call an ambulance if symptoms do not lessen but get worse.

Try not to stress, focus on healthy food and regular sleep, exercise.

Although pets have not been shown to transmit the virus, keep them away from sick people. Wash your hands if you have touched them.

If your test is positive,

but you have no symptoms

stay home for 10 days

Once you’ve done that, remind yourself of the CDC. If you have passed the disease, even slightly, to get out of isolation, you must meet the following criteria:

– 10 days have passed since the first symptoms appeared;

– Have no fever for at least 24 hours without taking medications to lower it;

– All other symptoms of the disease have disappeared;

Doctors remind you that loss of smell and taste can last for weeks or even months after recovery, but this does not mean that you need to remain isolated. But if you’ve had a serious illness, been admitted to the hospital, and been on oxygen, the rules change. Then your doctor may recommend isolation for up to 20 days.
