What do we know about the assassinated Iranian nuclear scientist?


Mohsen Fahrizadeh, the Iranian a nuclear scientist whose murder The Islamic Republic accused Israel of being little known before his death, but one thing is certain: he was important, says “AFP”.

The man Israel claims to have been father of Iran’s nuclear weapons program, was tall enough to meet with the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, in January 2019, according to official photos released after his death.

An Iranian nuclear scientist was killed with an Israeli weapon operated by a satellite

An Iranian nuclear scientist was killed with an Israeli weapon operated by a satellite

Eli Cohen commented that they did not know who was responsible for the murder.

Fahrizadeh was also important enough to his assassinsto be killed Friday in an unceremonious daylight attack on a main highway near the capital Tehran.

After his death, Iranian Defense Minister Amir Khatami referred to Fakhrizadeh as his deputy minister and head of the ministry’s Defense Research and Innovation Organization.

So what do we know about the work of the 59-year-old nuclear scientist who wore a beard and glasses?

Was he the senior scientist who “managed nuclear defense” and had done “extensive work” in this field, played “a major role in defense innovation”, as Khatami put it?

The world should thank Israel for killing the father of Iran's nuclear program.

The world should thank Israel for killing the father of Iran’s nuclear program.

Israel would continue to limit Iran’s nuclear ambitions

Or he, as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claimed in April 2018, was head of a secret nuclear weapons programwhose existence the Islamic Republic has always flatly denied?

Karim Sajadpur, from the US think tank The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, said that “you will probably need months, if not years, to assess the full impact of his death. “Those who really understood their exact day-to-day role in Iran’s nuclear activities do not speak, and those who do speak do not know,” he wrote on Twitter.

Fahrizadeh was described in the American media as “number one target of “Israeli special service” Mossad“and” the mastermind of Iran’s nuclear program. “

“We knew that was threatened with murder several times and was followed“Khatami noted.

Israel has not commented on the assassination of the Iranian scientist

Israel has not commented on the assassination of the Iranian scientist

Iran has blamed Israel directly, but without providing proof

Before Netanyahu spoke about it, Fahrizadeh appeared in a document from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in December 2015.

The IAEA suspects he led “activities undertaken in the early 2000s support for a possible military dimension of the nuclear program (from Iran) “, which the UN agency said began in the late 1980s.

The IAEA report notes that these activities were reorganized under his leadership, under a project called AMAD, until it was abandoned in late 2003.

In March 2007, Fahrizadeh was subjected to sanctions by the UN Security Council, along with other “persons involved in nuclear or ballistic missile activities” for Iran.

Syria: the murder of an Iranian nuclear scientist is terrorism

Syria: the murder of an Iranian nuclear scientist is terrorism

Condemnation is demanded by the international community

Security Council Resolution 1747 identified him as a “senior scientist” from the Ministry of Defense and a “former director of the Center for Physical Research.”

The resolution noted that the Vienna-based IAEA “asked to be interviewed about the activities of the Center for Physical Research during the period in which it was in charge, but Iran refused.”

These sanctions were lifted following the entry into force of the 2015 nuclear deal between Iran and the six world powers: the permanent members of the UN Security Council, the United States, Russia, Great Britain, China and France, as well as Germany.

But US President Donald Trump unilaterally withdrew from the deal in 2018, and Washington reimposed its own sanctions on Fahrizadeh.

The assassinated Iranian nuclear physicist was involved in the development of ballistic missiles.

The assassinated Iranian nuclear physicist was involved in the development of ballistic missiles.

Fahrizadeh is the fifth victim of an attack on Iranian nuclear scientists

According to Iranian Vice President Ali Akbar Salehi, who also heads the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, Fahrizadeh had a doctorate in “nuclear physics and engineering” and did his dissertation with Fereidun Abasi-Davani, former head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran. who survived an assassination attempt in 2010.

Abasi-Davani called the murdered scientist a “close friend” with whom he had “34 years of close professional cooperation” and said they had fought side by side on the front lines during the Iran-Iraq war in the period 1980-88.

Speaking to state media, Abasi-Davani noted that Fahrizadeh “works in all areas to support the country’s nuclear activities,” especially uranium enrichment.

He described him as “a capable manager and a prestigious scientist who can be promoted to the same rank as Martyr Soleimani in science and technology,” referring to General Kasem Soleimani, who was killed in a US drone strike in Iraq in January. .

“His work was important to him,” Fahrizadeh’s widow told state television hours after the murder.

Iran's Ayatollah Demands Punishment for Guarantors of Assassination of Nuclear Scientist

Iran’s Ayatollah demands punishment for guarantors of nuclear scientist’s assassination

His work had to continue
