What are the orders for the emergency epidemic situation?


We remind you that the Council of Ministers previously decided to declare an epidemic emergency, from May 14, 2020 to June 14, 2020.
“I am about to issue several orders, which will arrive from 0 o’clock on May 14. One is for antiepidemia measures, the second to go through the checkpoints and enter and leave the country, the third for quarantine and isolation, the fourth, what will remain for the job. “Ananiev said this in the previous briefing.
A minute before 0 o’clock on May 14, the orders were posted on the Ministry of Health website.
Anti-epidemic measures in our country:

Visits to entertainment and games rooms, discos and bars are not allowed. Closed commercial areas of restaurants, fast food restaurants, beverage and cafe establishments, shopping malls, shopping malls, representing closed sites. Exceptions are the bank and the insurance offices, supermarkets, pharmacies and drugstores in them, as well as restaurants with open area and a separate external entrance. Classes and all extracurricular activities (study rooms, clubs, green schools, etc.) in schools, universities, and other educational institutions and organizations are suspended. If possible, a form of distance training is introduced. Exceptions are allowed for cadet training from the Home Office Academy, related to the security and protection of public order, driving courses, training centers that provide training for seafarers, civil aviation and rail transport.
All forms of activity with children and students outside the educational system, as well as visits to kindergartens and kindergartens, are suspended, and massive indoor and outdoor sporting events are not permitted. An exception is allowed for amateur sporting events with up to 12 participants without a competitive nature, no audience, and only in open venues.
Massive scientific events such as conferences and symposia are prohibited.

It is prohibited to celebrate massive cultural events indoors: theaters, concerts, specific events, etc., except visits to galleries, museums, libraries and cinemas. Events that are not prohibited are held in up to 30% of venues. its total capacity
It is prohibited to hold events organized in groups of more than 10 people, except admitted events.
Visits to health centers and social homes are prohibited.
The time interval is from 8.30 to 10.30, in which only visible people over 60 can visit supermarkets and pharmacies.
You can see the full text HERE.

Prohibition of entering the country.
From May 14 to June 14 it is prohibited to enter the country from all border crossings of all people, regardless of citizenship. The prohibition does not apply to Bulgarian citizens, relatives of Bulgarian citizens, people with long or long-term permanent residence, medical specialists, medical researchers and social workers, when the purpose of the trip is related to their profession, transport personnel. and foreign officials, temporary agricultural workers, and tourism workers.
An exception to the prohibition with respect to transit through the country’s territory is also allowed. Transit is only allowed in cases where immediate departure from the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria can be guaranteed.
All persons entering the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria will be quarantined within 14 days.
Details of truck drivers can be found in the Order HERE
Isolation and treatment of patients with proven COVID-19

Recovered from coronavirus will now be discharged from hospitals after a negative PCR test. This is clear from A new order from the Minister of Health, Kiril Ananiev, which takes effect on May 14 and is valid until explicitly repealed. Until now, recovered patients were considered healthy after two consecutive negative PCR tests.
According to the order, all patients over the age of 60 will be subject to mandatory isolation and hospital treatment, regardless of the presence of clinical symptoms, people with concomitant chronic diseases and / or immunocompromised conditions, people with serious conditions such as shortness of breath or difficulty breathe, and all those who do not have the opportunity to isolate themselves and treat themselves at home. After receiving a negative test for coronavirus At the discretion of the treating physician, they will discharge you from the hospital, after which they must observe a quarantine of 28 days at home.

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Asymptomatic individuals who do not fall into the above categories will be subject to home isolation for a period of 28 days. The period begins from the date of the first positive test. All persons with mild symptoms, without accompanying chronic diseases and under the age of 60 are subject to isolation and home treatment. They will be considered healthy after a negative test and after passing the mandatory 4 weeks of quarantine, and, as before, these people must strictly observe it and will be subject to inspections by the police. In case the insulation is finished, they will be responsible.
All persons who have been in contact with a proven contagious person will be quarantined, but for a period of 14 days. People who have entered the country from other countries, specified in an order of the Minister of Health, will be located for the same period. All quarantined persons will be under medical supervision, which will be carried out by the general practitioner or by the corresponding regional health inspection. If they do not show symptoms of acute respiratory disease, their isolation ends on day 14. However, if such symptoms do occur, they should contact their GP or the appropriate RHI.

Work organization
All employers and appointment agencies, depending on the details and capabilities of the respective job activity, organize a remote form for their employees. When it is impossible to apply a remote form of work, the following anti-epidemic measures are applied in work facilities: disinfection, prevention of people with manifestations of acute respiratory diseases (fever, cough, runny nose), educating personnel on proper hygiene and provide soap and water. and disinfectant, creating an organization for a physical distance of at least 1.5 m.
When serving clients directly, it is mandatory to wear a protective mask. There is also an obligation to provide personal protective equipment to personnel.

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The owners of public facilities ensure compliance with a distance of 1.5 m, provide disinfectant at the entrance of the site and control the number of participants.
All people in closed public places must have a protective mask or other means that cover the nose and mouth. Public places in the sense of the order are: public transport, commercial, sports or cultural sites, administrations, prayer temples, places etc. that provide public and other services.

In open public places, non-family members are required to keep a distance of 1.5m.
You can see the full text of the order HERE
