Wealthy Italians spread the virus after the holidays on the Emerald Coast


Berlusconi’s family and former Formula 1 boss Flavio Briatore among infected billionaires

For days, many have wondered who among Italy’s millionaires and who spread the infection in Botuşa after the joyous parties in the most expensive restaurants on the luxurious coast of Sardinia.

However, not only world famous personalities like Silvio Berlusconi and Flavio Briatore could not protect themselves from infection. Thousands of young Italians were caught by the virus this summer, thanks to their bank accounts, which allowed them to visit the most luxurious clubs in Sardinia.

Photos having fun

crowds of young people,

stuck one

before a friend and eat

from the same bottle

champagne, flooded social networks. Many of the wealthy children had previously passed through the clubs of Formentera. After their summer tours, they finally returned to their hometowns. Thus, the contagion spread to establishments in the north of Rome, where the capital’s bourgeoisie lives. And all this, despite the fact that the Eternal City had managed to emerge with dignity from the months-long battle with the virus, registering a low number of infected.

However, the investigation into who exactly infected billionaire politician Silvio Berlusconi is almost like a witch hunt. Did your friend and former Formula 1 boss Flavio Briatore, owner of the most famous and luxurious nightclub on the Costa Smeralda, do that? Or the prime minister’s daughter, Barbara, 36, a mother of 4 with two different men?


turned out to be infected

and the eldest daughter of

the former prime minister

– Marine,

that runs the family publishing house Mondadori and the Fininvest company. Marina, 54, daughter of Berlusconi’s first wife, Carla dal Olio, protected her father at his French mansion on the Côte d’Azur as the virus spread through Italy. However, despite efforts at the time to protect all members of her family, Marina also contracted the virus after she struck her father. Then she gave herself up to her husband Maurizio, a former dancer at the Scala in Milan, and their children, Silvio and Gabriele, aged 18 and 16. All four have lived in isolation at their home in Milan since it became clear that the former prime minister was ill. . However, Marina, who is considered the current leader and driver of the Berlusconi family business, continues to work from home.

Detectives investigating the origins of the infection at Berlusconi’s home say the system failure occurred during his August stint at the Villa Sardinia mansion in Sardinia. And all this, despite the constant

set tests

personal too

to all the guests,

who met the billionaire. Among them are from grandchildren and children to parliamentarians from Forza Italia. A beloved guest at Berlusconi’s villa was his close friend Flavio Briatore, owner of the wealthy Billionaire club in Porto Rotondo, where a bottle of champagne costs tens of thousands of euros. Briatore himself showed symptoms of the disease long before Berlusconi.

It is said that it was in Porto Rotondo that Barbara and Luigi, Silvio’s daughter and son from his second marriage to Veronica Lario, were infected. After returning from Sardinia to Milan, Berlusconi and his new life partner, 30-year-old MP Marta Fashina, initially showed negative evidence. So they allowed themselves a trip to Lake Maggiore, where the billionaire has another villa. There they shook hands with many supporters, with whom they took selfies.

Berlusconi then continued his vacation in the French village of his eldest daughter Marina, where he experienced the first symptoms of the coronavirus. That is why he returned by private plane to his home in Milan, after which his condition worsened on September 3.

At the same time, his little son Luigi was arrested on his way to the Aeolian Islands, where he was going with his fiancee, whom he would soon marry. Both were among the newly infected members of the Berlusconi family.

Eleanor, who did not like secular life, was excluded from family contagion, as her 34-year-old daughter visited her father in Sardinia in July and her eldest son, Pierre Silvio. The reason is that she and her family are not going to Sardinia, but have long preferred to rest at their home in Portofino, on the Ligurian coast.

People in Berlusconi’s orbit were also infected by security guards and personnel. After a few

days in captivity



developed because of the virus, Berlusconi began to gradually improve and even monitor and lead the campaign by phone for the upcoming administrative elections on September 20 in Italy. On September 14, the former prime minister was discharged from the San Rafaele Hospital. After thanking the doctors, he admitted that with their help and the help of God he had overcome the most serious test of his life so far. Berlusconi will continue to recover at home until a second negative test.

The billionaire was treated by Dr. Zangrilo, who announced in May that “the virus is already clinically dead.” Now he deeply regrets the way he spoke then, although he essentially thinks the same thing. “I don’t think that expression of mine made holiday and entertainment enthusiasts do all they did while the rest of Italy tried to keep the infection under control.”

In addition to being head of intensive care at the San Rafaele Institute in Milan, where the former prime minister was treated, Zangrilo has long been his personal physician.

In fact, he is the common thread of the entire chain of infected rich people that he deals with. Among them was the businessman Flavio

Briatore, who

is already healing

and he left for

your house in

Monte Carlo

If all goes well, media mogul Berlusconi will blow out the candles on his 84-year-old birthday cake in late September at home. According to acquaintances, the ice has already melted in the relationship between Marina, the daughter of Berlusconi’s first marriage, and Barbara, who is from his second marriage. For days, many accused Barbara of infecting her father after having fun in restaurants on the island of Capri. But then it turned out that she was actually infected in Sardinia, like the others. Concerns about their father’s serious illness brought the otherwise loose sisters together.

The virus that struck Berlusconi also turned out to be “contagious” by heating up the attitudes of many of his political rivals. Several politicians from the Democratic Party and the Five Star Movement, as well as those from the center-right coalition, sent him wishes for a speedy recovery.

Many in italy

considered a sham


wealthy tourists

from Sardinia,

who regret snuggling up next to each other in fancy bars. Many of the infected and sick themselves blame the establishments for the unobserved sanitary measures. It turned out that half of Billionaire’s more than 3,000 customers had given fake phone numbers, so they certainly unknowingly spread the infection throughout Italy. One thing is clear: that the outbreak of the “billionaire”, as the name of the disco in question translates, turned out to be the turning point between rich and poor in the last stage of the pandemic.
