We turn the clock back an hour on Sunday


We will sleep more tonight

On the night from Saturday to Sunday we return to winter time. Clocks must be turned back one hour at exactly 04:00. This means that we will sleep an hour longer, there will be more light in the morning, but it will get dark earlier in the evening. In Bulgaria, the transition from summer time to winter time and vice versa began to apply in 1979, and in Europe, from 1916.

Since 2002, winter time in the EU started on the last Sunday in October and ended on the last Sunday in March. Different countries are not unanimous on whether winter and summer time is necessary. Some countries want to end the annual change. The reasons are that the economic effect of these changes is negligible and many people complain of health problems.

Winter or summer: what do Bulgarians prefer?

The European Parliament in March 2019 supported a proposal to end the seasonal time change in 2021, according to the legislature. 2021 could be the last year of seasonal change in the European Union.

A 2018 survey showed that 51% of Bulgarians want daylight saving time. For the winter time, 38% voted.

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