We elect the 45th parliament – News.bg.


Today in Bulgaria Elections are held for the 45th National Assembly. The number of voters is 6,732,316 people. The right to vote belongs to those who have reached the age of 18 and have not been placed under guardianship or have not served a sentence of “prison”. There are about 1,300 defendants and defendants who can vote.

The sections in which we will vote There are 11,983, and in 9,398 of them we will be able to declare our vote by machine. There are 409 mobile sections for people with disabilities.

After entering the data in the electoral list, a member of the PEC separates the ballot from the head, folds it in a certain way, puts a stamp on the back and delivers it. Vote with an “X” or “V” sign with a blue pen in the box, with the number of the party, coalition or independent candidate selected. The preference for a candidate is indicated in the circle. The ballot is folded, after which a member of the PEC puts a second stamp on its back and tears off the small piece from the corner.

Election day has begun

Election day has begun

Various issues have accompanied the vote from the beginning.

Abroad, voters will only be able to vote with paper ballots.

2,450 are the technicians and drivers who will service the transportation and logistics scheme around the deployment of the voting machines, controlled by the Ministry of the Interior and the State Agency for National Security, so that there is no doubt about their reliability.

The elections are being held in the context of a coronavirus pandemic and the necessary measures will be taken. By providing your personal documents, the voter will remove the mask slightly to verify that he is the person who is going to vote.

There are 88 special Covid sections in hospitals across the country. To be quarantined or isolated due to coronavirus several hundred movable sections have also been formed. However, several people in quarantine have pointed out in recent weeksthat they will not be able to vote because they have not been given the opportunity to access mobile sections for various reasons. The CEC also recognized a problem in the formation of these teams.

More than 64,400 people have been quarantined according to the Unified Information Portal.

There will be no video transmission of the ballot count.

Election day in the country started at 07.00 and will continue until 20.00. If there are voters waiting in front of the sections, it can be extended to 21 hours.

Election day has already started in the country, and the first data on participation is expected after 10 o’clock.

There are 465 polling stations abroad for parliamentary elections, the majority in Germany, Turkey, the United States and the United Kingdom. Foreign polling stations have already been opened in Auckland and Christchurch in New Zealand, where the day of the elections begins at the first Bulgarian hour, announced the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

According to our diplomatic and consular missions abroad, all polling stations are ready to open for elections, except the section in the French city of Moasac. The prefect of the city of Moasak tonight delivered a letter to the local coordinator of the sectional electoral commission, stating that it could not be opened due to fears from local authorities that the health protocol would not be observed.

In the race for deputies Includes 6,895 candidates nominated by 30 parties and coalitions, there are also independent candidates.

The CEC hopes there are no massively flawed protocols

The CEC hopes there are no massively flawed protocols

The CEC does not restrict the right to vote with quarantine, it is imposed by the RHI

The bans on political unrest and the disclosure of sociological data on voters’ attitudes are valid since yesterday A day of reflection until 8:00 p.m. on today’s election day.

The Ministry of the Interior recalled that people who do not have a valid identity document, you can receive a voting certificate. Passport offices throughout the country will be open today from 8.30 am to 7 pm.

The prohibition of the sale of alcohol is at the discretion of the mayors. In Sofia, the consumption of alcohol is prohibited in and around polling stations.

Data on participation from previous elections showthat in the last parliamentary elections of 2017, at 10 am, 8.44% voted, at 1 pm – 25.77%, at 5 pm – 42.74% and at 8 pm – 54.07% of eligible voters 6810341.

Despite the unusual situation, These are not the first elections in our country to be held during a pandemic, remember BNT. A century ago, in 1919, Bulgarians elected deputies to the XVIII National Assembly during the third wave of the Spanish flu.

3 minutes ago

at 09:51

Deputy Prime Minister Mariana Nikolova voted by machine

The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism Mariana Nikolova exercised her right to vote by machine at 73 Secondary “Vl. Grammar ”, Sofia.

After casting her vote, Minister Nikolova said: “I voted for a modern Bulgaria in which our children can live and develop in peace. Education, health and economic growth have always been and will continue to be a priority for us.” You see good and successful work in times of crisis and we have shown that we can deal with difficulties, “he said.

5 minutes ago

at 09:49

Hristo Ivanov voted with a paper ballot, they had signs of irregularities with the machines

One of the leaders of “democratic Bulgaria” Hristo Ivanov voted at 9 o’clock this morning at school 93 in the capital “Alexander Teodorov – Balan”.

After the vote he He told the media that he voted on paper because there were signs of irregularities with the machines. on its effect, which is being studied by the party. He has not yet provided more information on what is at stake, but explained that it is being verified.

14 minutes ago

at 09:40

Voting on suspended machine – in Veliko Tarnovo

The voting machine on the territory of the Veliko Tarnovo district has been suspended.

This was announced on her Facebook account by Lyudmila Ilieva, a candidate for the DB. There is no explanation for the reason for this, as there is no official confirmation from the CEC, whose first briefing is expected in an hour.

It is not clear what is happening to the votes cast so far.

24 minutes ago

at 09:30

“Get up! Get out!” announced more than 20 types of violations during the first hour of voting alone

Only during the first hour of Election Day at the KP office and signal platforms “Get up! Outside! ”Signals have been received for more than 20 types of infractions. of the electoral process, such as vote buying, prohibited stamps on machine voting receipts, late open sections and queues in front of them are just some of the first electoral violations.

56 minutes ago

at 08:58

Boyko Borissov: We could have had calmer elections, not stubbornly

He might have been calmer in the election if it weren’t for the president’s stubbornness. Is said Prime Minister Boyko Borissov, who voted shortly before 8.30 this morning in Bankya.

These are the most expensive elections, almost 50 million were given to vote for machines, about 9,600 machines were taken and handed over. The elections will be more than 150 million and if someone wants us to give 150 million every few months, that is their right, Borissov continued with his comment. According to him, this money could be given for the fight against the epidemic, for retirees or for other useful activities.

1 hour before

at 08:35

Nikolay Ovcharov: Politicians emphasized the bad in their campaign

Most politicians they emphasized the bad in their electoral campaignsBut many people did not realize that Bulgaria is in the club of the rich and in the club of European countries. Is said archaeologist Prof. Nikolay Ovcharov on the BNT morning block.

1 hour before

at 08:28

Election day in the municipality of Stara Zagora began calmly

Election day in Stara Zagora began at 7 o’clock with no infractions. 144 167 The residents of Stara Zagora have the right to vote today in one of the 214 sections of the municipality, 149 in the city and 54 in the villages, there are 4 sections in specialized institutions and 7 in mobile polls.

Voting ends at 8 pm, with the possibility of an extension at the discretion of the Central Electoral Commission (CEC), if there are people willing to vote in front of the polling stations.

The first electoral activity for the municipality of Stara Zagora will be available around 10 am.

Last update at 08:36 on 04.04
