We already have a weapon against the virus (Summary)


“I can not wait to see you.” with his 70-year-old father, he announced Minister of Health Kostadin Angelov, after being vaccinated

– Immunization has started with the most eminent doctors simultaneously in Sofia, Plovdiv and Burgas

“Let’s hug again” called a nurse who she has not been with her children for 6 months

Vaccines are our weapon against the virus and we will soon be able to return to normal life.

These messages were sent by the Health Minister Kostadin Angelov and the Chief of the Operational General Staff and the Military Medical Academy Gen. Ventsislav Mutafchiiski, after the first Bulgarians vaccinated against COVID-19 on Sunday. 672 doctors in Sofia, Plovdiv and Burgas were vaccinated on Sunday with the first shipment from Pfizer.

Shortly before 10 o’clock in the capital hospital “St. Anna” Minister Angelov received the first vaccine in Bulgaria, and minutes after him at the Military Medical Academy is it happened to a gene. Mutafchiiski.

“The salvation we hoped for is here. I believe that we will soon begin to prevail over COVID-19. I cannot wait to see my 70-year-old father and know that there is no danger of infecting him,” Professor Angelov said minutes after being vaccinated. The minister diligently spent the 15 minutes under surveillance to make sure there was no allergic reaction. He was convinced that he was about to return to a normal way of life.

“It has been a very difficult year. Exactly on this day, according to an ancient Christian tradition, we close the year. God forbid that we close everything that was full of so much difficulty and pain and left behind. We are at war, but our weapon has arrived and is in these little jars. It will save us from everything that was this year,

will bring us back

hug and

the kiss with

our children

and family “, were the words of Mutafchiiski.

Vaccination in almost all EU countries started on December 27 and doctors from Sofia, Plovdiv and Burgas were vaccinated at the same time.

Together with Angelov, Bishop Tikhon Tiveriopolski, the director of the hospital Dr. Slavcho Bliznakov, the cardiologist Dr. Rada Prokopova, who now heads the COVID departments, Dr. Dimitar Nikolakov, the deputy director of the hospital were vaccinated at the University Hospital St Anna in Sofia. KAIL and nurse Ani Kirova from the same ward.

Although he contracted the disease, the director of Pirogov, Prof. Asen Baltov, and the director of Alexandrovska Hospital, Prof. Boris Bogov, were vaccinated.

“This vaccine

will allow us

we live


I hope everyone acts like us and gets vaccinated, “said Professor Baltov, after being immunized, adding that according to him it is good to get vaccinated and get sick, because there is no lasting immunity, the antibodies gradually diminish.

40 doctors and nurses from Pirogov’s intensive care unit and ENT department were immunized Sunday. In the next 3 days, another 100-110 people will be vaccinated, and the total number of applicants so far is 1,000, said Professor Baltov.

At the Academy of Military Medicine, 100 doctors will be vaccinated with the first batch, 80 of whom passed the first day. Among them are famous names such as Prof. Nikola Vladov, Head of the Liver and Pancreas Surgery and Transplantation Clinic, Prof. Krum Katsarov, Head of the Gastroenterology Clinic, Prof. Iliya Saltirov, Head of the Clinic of Endourology and Extracorporeal Lithotripsy. Takorov, head of the First Clinic for Abdominal Surgery, and others.

“I believe in personal example and I believe that just as in a family children grow up with personal example and not with fairy tales, so we must set that example in society so that it follows us”, motivated his decision to get vaccinated. and Dr. Rada Prokopova.

In Burgas, the first vaccine was administered to the nurse Zlatina Parusheva of the emergency department of the University Hospital – Burgas, who also works in the triage of patients with COVID.

After that, the resuscitation nurse Nadezhda Popsavova was vaccinated. Due to the pandemic, she has not seen her children for 6 months.

“I work in intensive care and I see how every day patients search for life, and you are powerless: you want to give, but you cannot. I call on all Bulgarians to get vaccinated so that we can hug each other again,” he said.

A total of 20 people from UMBAL – Burgas were immunized on Sunday, and in the following days another 75. In the district next week 250 doctors must be vaccinated.

“In minute 15

after the vaccine

I finished my coffee

I feel great, even the pain from the bite itself was much less than expected. The needle is specific and very fine ”, shared in front of the“ 24 hours ”Dr. Teodor Popov from the COVID department at KOC – Burgas. He was one of the first five doctors at the hospital to be vaccinated against COVID-19, and by the end of the day, a total of 15 doctors had been vaccinated there.

In Plovdiv, the first vaccine was administered to the head of the Bulgarian Medical Union, Dr. Ivan Madkharov, at the University Hospital “St. Georgi ”.

“I got vaccinated because I want to give a personal example. There is no way to convince the patient that something is good for him if you don’t do it yourself,” said Madkharov, joking that the batch for Bulgaria is different because colleagues from other countries warned him that it was painful to place it, and he didn’t feel a thing.

285 doctors from 12 hospitals in Plovdiv received the vaccine on Sunday. Over the next 4 days, another 440 front-line doctors, nurses and orderlies will be immunized.

At Plovdiv University Hospital “St.  Georgi ”are preparing for vaccination Dr. Ivan Madjarov in the presence of the regional governor Dani Kanazireva and the mayor Zdravko Dimitrov.

At Plovdiv University Hospital “St. Georgi ”are preparing for vaccination Dr. Ivan Madjarov in the presence of the regional governor Dani Kanazireva and the mayor Zdravko Dimitrov.

In this context, only 25 doses of the vaccine reached Smolyan, and immunizations there will begin today with five CSMP doctors, and another 10 will be immunized on Tuesday.

After vaccination, each immunized person receives a card with their name, the batch number of the vaccine, the date of vaccination and the next one for reimmunization. Data on the person, the vaccine, and the vaccine doctor will also be entered into the National COVID-19 Information System. (24 hours)

The vaccines were delivered in violation

of the law with private buses

It was urgently needed and only for the first shipment, Minister Kostadin Angelov explained.

In violation of the drug law, the vaccines were transported from the first shipment from Sofia to the country’s RHIs. This became clear after images of a Bella Bulgaria food delivery bus delivering the shipment to Plovdiv and Burgas sparked a storm of ridicule on social media.

The wholesalers, such as the state company BulBio of vaccines, are obliged to have adequate premises and means of transport for the medicines, stipulates the law.

The use of refrigerated buses for food was urgently needed and is only for the first delivery, Health Minister Kostadin Angelov explained this Sunday. He gave the example that in the United States, Canada and Australia similar transports such as tuna trucks or ice creams have been used.

Under contract with Pfizer, the vaccines will be delivered in specialized cars from the pharmaceutical company to all RHIs in the country, but due to the symbolic first quantity, which was delivered on December 26, only one truck arrived and unloaded them in Sofia, he explained. Angles. This required rapid organization of vaccine logistics at locations in Plovdiv, Burgas and Varna. Therefore, it was necessary to find a transport to guarantee a normal temperature regime, but that can be traced all the time and was provided by Bella Bulgaria.

On the buses, the vaccines were also in bags with dry ice, which provided the required temperature.

“In addition, the vaccines are placed in refrigerators with a normal temperature of 2 to 8 degrees and are not frozen below 70 ° C. The refrigerators provided at the RHI will be used for the next vaccine deliveries in January,” Angelov said. .

“It was important for us to provide a vaccine to all RHIs. I consider humor inappropriate in this situation,” added the minister.

The vaccines could have been transported by other drug traffickers who have specialized transportation, but the Health Ministry did not say they had spoken to them. Furthermore, Bella Bulgaria announced that it had provided its buses for free in response to a request from Bull Bio. However, there is no public announcement that the company is seeking specialized transportation. (24 hours)

The part of

positive after

as the rapids scored

tests in statistics

The inclusion of antigen tests in the statistics resulted in a sharp decrease in COVID-19 positive cases compared to the tests performed.

This is demonstrated by the data from the unified information portal since December 23. Until that date, only the results of a PCR test were included in the statistics, and the proportion of positive cases ranged from 30 to 40 percent of tests performed during the day.

However, in the data announced on December 24, for those infected on December 23, the proportion of positive tests fell to 23.2%. Of the 1,615 cases that day, only 243 were detected by antigen testing. The number of rapid tests was almost 4 times less than that of PCR technology.

Gradually, however, the use of antigen tests increased over the holidays and, in the data announced on December 27, their participation was almost equal to that of PCR tests. In the four days, the number of people who tested positive for the coronavirus with antigen tests was in the range of 10-14%, while in the other tests it was higher.

The reason for the change in the statistics is that before the holidays, PCR was often performed on people who already identified as positive, while now the picture was more realistic, the doctors explained.

Another important feature of the weekend tests was that people with symptoms or already positive patient contacts were actually screened, making the research picture real.

The reduction in incidence was also reflected in hospital patients, since at the end of the weekends, 5,545 patients with coronavirus were treated, of which 523 were in intensive care units. There is also a decrease in deaths, which are an average of 50 per day. On December 24 alone, 99 deaths were announced for December 23. (24 hours)
