VMRO: We definitely do not accept GERB’s reasons for child benefits – Policy


The regulations in force to date grant so-called parental assistance, to the detriment of many parents. Unfortunately, it turns out that it is precisely the Bulgarian citizens who work and pay their taxes honestly. On the other hand, the money allocated by the State in this budget line, in a large percentage of cases, goes to people who deliberately hide income or directly to marginalized groups, who deliberately parasitize the back of the social system through different, in mostly parallel, financial “pathways” allowed by current social legislation.

This is written in the official IMRO position on the news that child benefits will not be for all children. We publish the message without editorial intervention:

There are no child allowances for all children

“This was one of the reasons why at IMRO we started the creation of a new unified social code to put order in this area. But until coding in the social realm becomes a fact, we insist on at least visible injustice in relation to family, children and a sick topic. – The demographic crisis, which will be resolved through child allowances in the 2021 budget. It should be noted that there are many cases in which family income exceeds the minimum required by law, which leads to the inability of these families to We believe that the IMRO proposal will expand the financial support for Bulgarian families with children to reach all children in Bulgaria, as was the regulation until 2002.

Children in Bulgaria cannot and should not be divided according to income. This vicious practice, introduced for unknown reasons, must end. We are categorical on this!

From 2021 there will be daycare for all children, regardless of their income

For this reason, we categorically do not accept GERB’s reasons for withdrawing the proposal of the Council of Ministers, not even for the temporary, requested by them (for 2021), such a measure. The elimination of income as a condition for receiving a monthly allowance would imply an additional expense for the state budget of around BGN 400 million, an expense that is included in the current draft budget anyway. Opposing families with children to doctors and the police is counterproductive and completely unnecessary in the face of a growing pandemic. Right now, the state doesn’t need this internal public battle.

Not to mention that it is the income criterion that today deprives children of these same people in the first line of children and delivers them to marginalized groups, which are the main problem for both the health system and the forces of order.

With a post on his Facebook account and United Patriots co-chair and IMRO vice chair Iskren Veselinov reacted to the news that coalition partners were “giving back” on equal terms to receive child benefits.

This is what Veselinov wrote:

“I can’t help but marvel at the way some people in GERB think! One of the most significant things about the draft budget for 2021 was the abolition of the income criterion for so-called ‘child allowances’. Not that the amount be big and it will solve the problems of Bulgarian children, but it is a signal from the state that thinks of everyone, not just children from marginalized groups and those who hide income. An irritating injustice introduced by the NMSS, supported by BSP, and now It is even more perverse to oppose the children of policemen and doctors! We do not categorically support the approach and will vote against it in the National Assembly hall VMRO for years believes that ALL Bulgarian children should receive state support. two ways. Literally in the last minutes of yesterday I managed to present to the office of the National Assembly a first option proposal for the total repeal of article 4 of the Family Allowances Law. ares por Hijos, which introduces the income criteria. the option will be elaborated and proposed at the meeting of the Budget and Finance Committee: for each child, the father can reduce his tax base by 4,000 BGN per year. In other words, stay at least 400 BGN for the needs of your crop. I hope common sense prevails in the parliamentary chamber! “
