Vlado Penev: I thought there was no way that I couldn’t deal with the coronavirus. The question was why it didn’t happen so fast.


He is one of the few people in our country who certainly does not need an introduction. She achieves this not only with her great acting talent, but also with her dignity, the moral values she always adheres to, and the goodness she possesses.

Very recently the beloved Vlado Penev However, he faced a huge test: he became infected with COVID-19. After 26 days of home treatment, she was able to recover and is now back to her normal functions.

– How did a person who is so protected from coronavirus get infected, Mr. Penev?

“It just shows that we don’t know anything about this virus.” There are no medications yet, there is no vaccine. We do not know for what reason and at what speed a person heals, how they form antibodies, as well as how long they are in the body and protect it. In general, this is a great mystery and a great test for humanity. As unpleasant as it was for me to happen, I think it changed me in a positive direction, made me think about my purely human values, priorities, to humiliate me in some way.

Since the first day the pandemic was announced, I have been following the anti-epidemic guidelines. Even then we were recommended to take vitamin and mineral supplements and I started taking them. The infection itself happened by accident, but

preventive measures

they protected me

and it allowed an aging, chronically ill, endangered organism like mine to get through the virus in the slightest way possible.

– How did you get infected?

“I got infected because I was careless.” I did not wash my hands. I felt that I had not done it and that I had not disinfected myself. I was just distracted. Soon after, my mustache stung me three times. I scratched myself with those dirty hands and fingers. When I did, I thought: Hey, if there are viruses in here, I’m giving them a good way to control. This is because I checked all the other possible contacts and places that I have been. Every person I spoke to did their PCR tests and they came back negative, thank goodness.

“And you don’t have any acquaintances who have been infected or infected?”

– None. Doctors say that people like me who are quickly tested and diagnosed with COVID-19 are not as dangerous as those whose symptoms are asymptomatic and who are actually contagious. me

on the third day

of infection

I raised my temperature

– 37.3, it did not go up more, it went down from time to time. I felt very bad, I felt very weak, I had no strength.

When it became clear that he was infected, he was filming “Stolen Life.” Immediately afterwards, they examined colleagues with whom he had been in contact on set. All the test results were negative and continued to work, and I started treatment.

– Did you go for a test as soon as you felt symptoms?

– No, in two days. One day I was sick, we all thought it was some kind of summer flu. While filming during the day, I had no fever, I would wake up at night at home. I took a paracetamol, it fell. I thought to myself, once he responds, then it’s not a problem. But the next day I felt bad again and went for a PCR test because I suspected it was not normal. I wanted to be sure, because I still work with a lot of people, I jeopardize the filming process. Thank goodness everything went perfectly. I would like to emphasize that in no case has the “Stolen Life” team failed to comply with all the requirements, to disinfect frequently. All the team wears masks, gloves that comply with all the measures. That is why my admiration and thanks to the “Stolen Life” team and personally to Evtim Miloshev for taking care of providing such a healthy environment and being able to work. Because really, in the conditions we live in now, having a job like that is more than a luxury.

– What happened after the positive PCR test result came out?

– I immediately went to the Academy of Military Medicine. I want to express my gratitude to the doctors there and especially to Dr. Tomov, who treated me. They did blood tests. From my first tests, which were on the third day of infection, I already had antibodies, of course, in very small amounts. They did an X-ray and a lung scan, because this is the organ that most affects the coronavirus. There was nothing to worry about on the x-ray, but the scan found small spots, which was confirmation that the virus was in my body. We start the treatment. As is well known, there is no cure for coronavirus. The therapy recommended by the World Health Organization, which is also carried out here, is taking antibiotics against the possible development of bronchopneumonia and against any pulmonary complication. The rest I took were supplements that boosted the immune system so the body could deal with the virus on its own based on its age and strength.

He had no respiratory problems, he had no cough. So I thought I would recover quickly and hoped it would be over in a week or two. And I was a bit surprised when at the end of the second week my PCR test came back positive. Then I said to myself: Okay, I have to grit my teeth. At the end of the third week, it was also positive. And it bothered me a bit, but I didn’t care for a second that it would have bad consequences for me. The whole time I thought there was no way I couldn’t do it. The question was why he wasn’t doing it as fast as he wanted.

I got a little sick, I sat at home. One beautiful Sunday last afternoon, I suddenly felt something inside me. The thought went through my head: I just killed the last virus. And I recovered! It was very strange. I remembered feeling like this when I caught it. And when I went to do my PCR test on Tuesday, I was absolutely convinced that it would give a negative result. The last time I thought it was over, I didn’t have that inner conviction. But on Tuesday I was absolutely convinced, it couldn’t be positive. I felt that the virus had been destroyed.

– Were you treated during the 26 days?

– Yes, and now I continue. The antibiotic was stopped, but with the others, especially the immunostimulants, I continue the treatment.

The most unpleasant part of the therapy is the injections that I put into my stomach.

I have a phobia of needles and due to

it was horrible

They are to thin the blood. When they wrote them to me, they told me to beat them myself. I, of course, did not know what to do in such cases. Not to mention my fear of needles. So it was a big problem for me. I went online to see how these injections worked.

“Do they hurt?”

“No, you don’t feel anything, but I’m just as scared as anything else.” At first, I always wanted to do it in the morning so that it would get out of my head and not think about it. I was threatening all day, until finally, in the wee hours of the night, out of nowhere, I beat them to sleep and in horror. But now I wear them in the morning to know that it’s over.

“Wasn’t there an acquaintance, a friend, to help you with them?”

– No, I’m in quarantine, nobody can come. And my daughter didn’t even come. It was completely isolated. I learned to buy everything online, there are many nice stores.

How did all this affect you psychologically?

– I like to sit at home, I always have something to do at home, I never get bored. He was not worried. I had set what would happen quickly, in about 2 weeks. The first week was terribly hard, I felt as bad as ever.

I could not

got up from

the bed, I couldn’t catch it

spoon, I didn’t feel any

taste, no smell

My feeling of warmth and cold had also faded. I felt like I was in a strange and disgusting environment. My head hurt a lot. Unpleasant feeling: of total helplessness, and I like to keep things under control and know that I can handle it.

– Were your relatives very worried?

– Yes, and my daughter and my niece, who are girls. They were very worried, they came and helped as much as they could. But one was in Greece for a while, the other, in the sea here, that is, they were not around me. Then I learned to order everything myself on the Internet: food from restaurants, products from the store, whatever you can think of.

– You’ve lost weight?

– At first a little, but then not. It does not matter. Everything related to vanity, to showing and demonstrating to the world, at my age, is superfluous. For all the wonderful life I have, with all the possible things that have happened to me, there is no point in being vain, greedy, envious. I am in total harmony with myself, with the clarity of who I am and what I am, how much it costs me. So I don’t owe anyone anything and I don’t want to deal with it.

– Did your colleagues call you often?

– Yes, they called, they got excited, they asked how I was. Some who didn’t call me told me that they were just afraid to upset me. Me

my tongue hurts yes

explain how much

Actually i’m fine

Especially in the first week, he didn’t want to worry anyone. I knew it was not easy. And when they ask me how I am, I prefer to say that I am fine and that I am fine than putting more pressure on people. That was a noble lie.

– Why do you say you were sober?

“I thought the pandemic was an opportunity to rethink things.” Especially when we were in more serious quarantine. Feeling humble, being aware of the realities of the world and of what we do with nature, with ourselves, with our loved ones. And change for the better. Unfortunately, this cannot be done simply. I hope that most people have a rethinking, a revision of the way of life.

“Was there a moment of despair?”

– No, I don’t despair easily.

– “Stolen Life” returned with the tenth season on the Nova TV screen and in the first episodes you can see dramatic shots with your character Prof. Tsonev, who is with COVID-19.

– The paradox of the situation is that

Prof. Tsonev from the screen

get infected and sick

much heavier than

Vlado Penev in life

Immediately after performing these dramatic scenes, where I can barely breathe, it happened to me. Thank goodness, in a simple way. I was lucky.

– Will you return to the set of the series soon?

“Yes, in a few days.”

– For the first time you enter as a jury in a fun show. Why did you agree to participate in “The Masked Singer”?

– I have experience with a very cute and funny program on BNT – “The best years of our lives”, in which I was the host. Now I’m back on an entertainment show, but in a different position. The provocation is interesting. It’s funny because I know very little about the Bulgarian show business, especially in its modern part and in all its genres. I don’t know a name, a face, I can’t recognize a voice. In this sense, I will trust Vasco (Azis) and Alex Raeva a lot, who are still much more familiar to me. I told them that I would be the copyist who would copy. My main intention is to have fun.

– Are you going back to the theater?

– Yes, I have a premiere at the Small City Theater “Behind the Canal” of a Harold Pinter play – “Homecoming”. In 1990, when the play came out, the theater broke up as a separate company. It was made by Stoyan Kambarev, his brilliant memory. The cast includes the exceptional Itsko Finci and Rusi Chanev. And now, 30 years later, in connection with MGT’s anniversary “Behind the Canal” we do the same work again. Now the director is Yavor Gardev. I’m in the role Itsko Finci played before. In the role, which was played by Rusi Chanev, is one of my favorite colleagues: Deyan Donkov, with whom we are in a dressing room at the National Theater. Return to NT “Ivan Vazov”, we will restore performances such as “The father”, “The son”.

– Are we going back to a normal lifestyle?

– I do not know. Cause I thought we should go back to it better, rethink things,

I do not want to get back

to normal

as if nothing had happened

I want this to make us wiser, more meaningful, better.

“Do you have to be careful again now?”

– Now that I have antibodies, I was told that I can protect myself and I have not been infected for at least 30 days. Or maybe longer. I am so happy I lost it!
