Vlado Daverov: I did not beat cancer, he felt sorry for me to enjoy the colorful world


The secret to longevity is no you pay attention to diseases, says the writer

– When did the writer feel in you, Mr. Daverov? How did this happen?

“I haven’t felt it yet.” I’ve been looking for him for over fifty years, but he seems to live in another. And I was appointed a writer for another ten years. I wrote a letter about the group’s adventures during my one vacation outing, sent it to family members, they did a literary reading, and they unanimously decided that only an adult can write with such kindness and style.

They asked me for a whole year who this adult was. In the end, I was declared a liar, fraud, braggart, etcetera, a scoundrel that I had for the rest of my life.

So I decided to write to them from time to time to convince them that the letter was authentic. I no longer have anyone to convince, because they all died. I continue by inertia.

– In 2002 in the newspaper “24 hours” I wrote an article for you entitled Vlado Daverov came back from hell and wrote the novel “The lives of others”.

Then he told me that he had cirrhosis and that he had returned from the silver tunnel to that world three times. What will you write now that you have defeated cancer?

– The novel “La vida ajena” has nothing to do with my usual visits to the afterlife, which I categorically affirm in the title. And cirrhosis is my least concern.

My lifestyle has endowed me with as many chronic diseases as, say, the inhabitants of a small town. The secret to longevity is not paying attention to them either.

as Churchill says,

“The best whiskey,

the best cigars

And not an hour of sports! “

At least he can be trusted, he sweeps away the vegetarian Hitler.

And I have not beaten cancer at all. He just took pity on me and took pity on me to enjoy the colorful world indefinitely. With sunrises, sunsets, autumn rains, even Cornelia Ninova.

I left the victories to the communists. They conquered nature, capitalism, the cosmos, the universe and the black hole. Only the human in man failed to win, but lately they have been making enviable efforts under the banner of the pandemic.

– It turns out that God does not want you for himself? Why?

– I have not spoken to God recently and I have no idea what his intentions are, but the truth is that I do not pressure myself to see us at all. I did not make an appointment on the day of receipt, you want to check.

All my attention is focused on the children and grandchildren, without forgetting for a moment my wife, who is my most faithful support. It bothers me all day, but without it I am lost. I also assume that God is a Tsesekar and does not want to surround himself with Levski players; this also explains the case to some extent.

– Between “Strawberry Fields” and his latest book “Perfection” he remained silent for 6 years. Isn’t it too long for an active writer?

– I become talkative after the third vodka and have not drunk in six years. Also, I no longer have anyone to talk to, my friends are gone. And I have never been an active writer.

Journalist – yes. When I was young, I worked for the Narodna Mladezh newspaper and fought for justice every day. I helped the world to improve. Can you imagine how stupid I was?

– Why did you choose this title “Inventable and non-commercial” “Perfection”?

“It was not easy for me.” I thought for a long time whether to put the commercial title “A red Ferrari” or the unsold title “Perfection”.

At one point, the idea occurred to me that I was not selling tomatoes, but offering the book to a potential reader. Words. And score, of course.

I remembered the Bible. It does not say “At the beginning it was a red Ferrari”, but “At the beginning it was the word”. Thus, after a deep mental struggle, the choice fell on the unsaleable “Perfection.”

– In the book “Strawberry Fields” you write about some of your dead friends: Hristo Fotev, Hristo Kalchev, Viktor Paskov, Georgi Bogdanov, Kalina Kovacheva, Georgi Trifonov and others. What unites them besides memory?

– They are united by talent and their powerful presence in a very empty world. Hundreds of thousands of idiots, patriots, nationalists, socialists, idealists and the like, who blindly believe in Christ, Muhammad, Buddha, Lenin, Stalin, Dimitrov, but not in themselves, fall into a dozen like them.

Eternally dissatisfied middle-class citizens, willing to take off their shirts, the backbone of all revolutions and uprisings, lumpen, denying evolution because it requires thinking, investing in oneself, doubts, wanderings and a lot, a lot of work.

It is no coincidence that he substitutes “democracy” for “evolution”, as the former is translated as “democracy”, and “people” sounds impersonal, a word devoid of content, far from the personal responsibility of the individual.

– Will “Strawberry Fields” have a sequel?

– I finish the second part, this is the other secret of my silence. I’ve been staring at the computer with hatred for six years because I know I can’t escape. I said “A”, I should say “B”.

– You will stay in the history of Bulgaria mainly as sincePrice list of the movie “Yesterday”. How do you explain that since its creation in 1987 it continues to be looked at with interest by all generations?

– I don’t care how I will stay in the story and if I will stay. I give all my imaginary immortality for ten years of full life in the real world. And for your mix

the novel “Yesterday”

there are 7 editions

and has been translated to almost

All Europe

Connoisseurs consider it better than the movie. But as my friend, film director Lyudmil Todorov says, cinema is still fun for maids and soldiers on vacation.

– At the Varna Film Festival the film won the Audience Award, but was overlooked by film critics. Why?

Remember who won the Golden Rose and the answer will appear shyly behind the curtain. The rose was hung on the “Echelons” lapel, a blatant apology for nonexistent events.

(In 1986, “Golden Rose” was given to Kiran Kolarov’s film “They Overcame.” And “Echelons” received the first prize. Both films are partisan and anti-fascist, and in both the main character is Todor Zhivkov. The first is played by Filip Trifonov, the second by Antoniy Genov, editor’s note).

– With which of your big family do you get along better?

“With myself.”
