Virologists sound the alarm of a new horror amid coronary crisis


Four new flu viruses will mix with the coronavirus infection in the coming weeks. These are the influenza strains “Guangdong-Maonan” (Guan-gdong-Maonan), “Hong Kong” (Hong Kong), “Washington” (Washington) and “Phuket” (Phuket), reports “Trud”.

Virologists will pay particular attention to data on influenza cases in the period from December 29 to January 8, when the spread of influenza is likely to increase. The New Year holidays are a time to gather more people in one place, and this can contribute to an increase in influenza infection.

The COVID-19 coronavirus epidemic has stopped the usual seasonal flu. This is demonstrated by data from the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control with the spread of influenza in the countries of the European Union.

The coronavirus has halted the seasonal epidemic and the flu has literally taken over COVID-19, doctors say, using football jargon.

The only reason for the negligible number of flu cases within the EU in very few countries is the intensification of anti-epidemic measures against COVID-19, commented Professor Todor Kantardzhiev, director of the National Center for Infectious and Parasitic Diseases.

He explained that each week more than 250 samples of influenza A and influenza B arrive at the reference laboratory, but so far no cases have been reported. However, COVID-19 co-infections in combination with rhinovirus have been detected.

“A week ago, we also registered a respiratory syncytial virus, usually up to two weeks later, and cases of influenza were detected. This virus is extremely dangerous for premature babies and the elderly, “said Professor Kantardzhiev. According to him, however, this season will not have the usual flu epidemic.

Currently, isolated cases of influenza are seen in the United Kingdom, Northern Ireland, Portugal and Slovakia. Flu activity remains low this winter, according to the weekly newsletter from Flu News Europe, a joint monitoring platform of the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control and the World Health Organization.

Experts carefully analyze the data on seasonal flu and confirm that the relatively few cases of COVID-19 are due to the anti-epidemic measures and restrictions that countries have currently imposed.

If the situation were normal, as in previous years, we would have already witnessed hundreds of cases of influenza, both in Europe and abroad, according to a virological analysis of French doctors published by Reuters.

Experts suggest that coronavirus superinfection may have triggered a mechanism by which the human body builds strong immune defenses and kills other pathogens.

Researchers have also argued that vitamin and mineral prophylaxis, increased disinfection in public places, and the use of personal protective equipment have also contributed to the non-spread of influenza viruses.

Influenza data for the 2020-2021 season should be interpreted with caution, virologists say.
