Virologist who escaped China with shocking new revelations about the origin of COVID-19


In December, Dr. Li-Meng Yang will examine a group of people infected with a new virus. She is a scientist at the Department of Public Health at the University of Hong Kong, but because she received her degrees in China and is fluent in Mandarin, she was sent to study this “strange pneumonia” in Wuhan.

There, he discovers a large-scale operation to hide information, as well as what everyone suspects: that the virus was created in a laboratory.

In an interview with British television iTV, Li-Meng Yang recounted how she was forced to remain silent, but knew that she had to warn people about the dangerous virus. To tell what she knows, she left China and fled to the United States, where she lives in a secret place.

“The virus comes from a laboratory. From a laboratory in Wuhan controlled by the Chinese government,” Li-Meng told iTV, adding that there was evidence of this, which he would soon publish for the world to see. Among them is a report that she and three other Hong Kong scientists have prepared on the origins of the coronavirus.

However, all three scientists, including Dr. Ian, belong to the Rule of Law Society, a group founded by former Donald Trump security adviser Stephen Bannon.

The unreviewed report says: “The natural origin theory, although widely accepted, does not have substantial support. The alternative theory that the virus may come from a research laboratory is, however, strictly censored in peer-reviewed scientific journals. “.

The scientists say they have enough information to confirm this, but their report no longer provides new information on COVID-19.

Dr. Lee-Meng Yang appeared before Fox News, where he reiterated: “I have evidence to show you why they can do it, why they did it, and how they did it. The scientific world is silent because it works together with the Communist Party of China. They don’t want people to know the truth. That’s why they repress me, they want me to disappear … “

But hardly anyone believes Dr. Ian. The University of Hong Kong itself issued a statement saying that Dr. Yang’s statement did not correspond to key facts, had no scientific basis, but was more like hearsay. “

Even the Fox News website uploaded the interview with Li-Meng Yang with the warning that the information it contained was incorrect.

For their part, Twitter and Facebook blocked the virologist’s profiles, which had more than 600,000 followers. The policy of social media is simply to mark posts that spread false information with a warning. But social media declined to comment to The Independent why they had taken a more serious step.

