Virologist: “The illusion is that we can control infections” – 【News from the world акту • current information, topics and news


The illusion is that in the future we will be able to prevent any Sars-CoV-2 infection, says the famous German virologist Prof. Hendrik Streek. According to him, Germany must change its philosophy: health services should not look only at the current figures for the spread of the virus. It is important to think especially of people who get sick and need hospital treatment. And also for the autumn and winter of 2021, when, according to Streek, the numbers will rise again.

What awaits us in the coming years?

“The problem that I am noticing right now: We are too focused on what is happening now, we are not planning for the future. And that is dangerous. Today, the most important thing is to think about the fall of 2021,” Streek said. he said in an interview with Bunde. “Remember that the current virus belongs to the family of coronaviruses and if it develops like the rest of viruses of this family, from May to the end of summer the numbers will remain low, but in autumn they will return to Streek makes his alarming prediction that this will happen again in the next few years, but this lasting wave will remain more certain.

“The virus is deadly for some people, but not for all. We need to find a balance between awareness of serious danger and overreactions. In no way do I want to downplay the danger of the virus, but it is time to part ways in the hope that “We can control possible infections. We will probably be successful in the summer, but not next winter, “the expert told Bunte. Streek argues that the number of new infections at one point becomes less important because an infection is medically important only when the patient becomes ill.

The virologist developed this idea in an interview for the n-tv news channel. “We should not just look at the numbers of new infections. We need to see how the number of hospitalized is developing, what is the capacity available in intensive care units, how to trace the chains of contact.” Streek also believes that more testing should be done in the current phase, including rapid and home testing, because this is the easiest way to trace infection chains. He recalled that certain occupational groups were at greater risk than others and recommended that health authorities focus their efforts on them. “Now it is important to protect risk groups, by vaccines or otherwise,” said the virologist in an interview with Bunte.

“Let’s take small steps forward”

Regarding discussions about the upcoming easing of measures in Germany, Hendrik Streek told FOCUS magazine: “Please partially open the restaurants, but check all hygiene measures, from the distance between the tables, through the ventilation, to document the contacts. ” The virologist believes that if the measures are followed, restaurants are even safer than at home. Hendrik Streek also gave an optimistic forecast for the possible opening of the stadiums: “The hygiene concepts developed are really good and should be tested in practice. However, I think we should take small steps. We should not try everything at once.” . “

