Ventsi Stefanov in attack: Dimitre, you are a narcissist! You want the bone, hide behind other people and slide into Ether!


Slavia President Ventseslav Stefanov responded to Dimitar Berbatov. The head of the “whites” attacked the former striker, telling “Sportal” that he is a narcissist and thinks of the “bone” at the head of the Bulgarian Football Union.

“Berbatov is a selfish young man who speaks only in the first person, singular. I wish him good health and success! I will be happy to become Manchester United manager one day, it is always good to see a successful Bulgarian. Now however he stumbled as assistant trainer in Ether.

As a footballer, why didn’t you do something great for the national team, Dimitre? There are some bones in your head … If Berbatov thinks you are becoming president to swallow the bone, he is cruelly wrong! No bones, boy! There is a hit! You work with the state and for the youth, only then can something happen. There are bones in diseased brains!

If anyone thinks that football in Bulgaria can be won, they are wrong. I said! In Slavia we give money to young people and sports, without profit. Nobody in Bulgaria benefits from football, not Mladen and I, not Domuschiev, not Ganchev … Nobody! I guarantee you. We all give money for the love of sports, but there is no financial gain for it. We just give, we don’t take. This is true of everyone, without exception.

Berbatov: Ventzi Stefanov has no place on the Executive Committee!

Berbatov: Ventzi Stefanov has no place on the Executive Committee!

Strong comments to the President of Slavia

I see that this boy hurts him … A man who said: “I will not play for Bulgaria”, nothing can make him respect him anymore. What do I or Yordan Lechkov have in common with Bulgaria to tell us “fuck off”? Lechkov was in charge of the national teams and Berbatov was the captain of the men’s team and had to lead the others to victory. We fell 0: 6! Did you take responsibility as captain? He said he was as angry as in kindergarten.

Now he says he is the new face. What is your new face, Dimitre? Do something, see you. You were a footballer: England, India, Greece, it’s over. Present yourself successfully. Now what? When you claim something, you need to know how far your opportunities extend. The fact that you have been a great footballer does not mean that you will be a very good coach.

Why, being such a great man, did he not come up with his name, but push Petar Velichkov forward? Let it be behind. Why? Berbatov wants to be present, but to be outside.

Find a footballer or coach who will stop and say where and what I have lied to during these 26 years. Let one person appear in front of the media and say! I am behind my words: I have not cheated, I have not lied. Soccer is not easy to handle, let me tell you.

If Berbatov apologizes when he is younger, I am willing to shake his hand. However, I am convinced that it never will. May Mitko be alive and well, “Ventzi Stefanov said.
