Velingrad introduces the Rhodope menu in restaurants


Velingrad spa was the first in Bulgaria to introduce a local Rhodope menu, he said. Travel news Zlatko Zlatanov, president of the Association of Hoteliers and Restaurateurs “Velingrad and Western Rhodope” and owner of the “Rich” hotel and “Omar” tavern in the city.

At this stage, the Rhodope cuisine of the region will be present in the traditional Bulgarian restaurants of Velingrad. The discussion and introduction of similar menus in hotels is forthcoming, “said Zlatanov. The aim is to make our western rhodope dishes known and to let tourists know that only here they can taste them and be prepared according to a traditional recipe, he added. Prepare yourself in the same way. The initiative at this stage includes six restaurants: “Omar”, “Chinarite”, “Tom and Nezi Classic”, “Millennium”, “Rhodope Village” and “Lukovitsa” tavern.

The Velingrad Rhodope menu includes the following local dishes: “Sofenka” salad, Rhodope kapama, beans with mushrooms, beans with smoked leg, beans with pastrami (famous Pomak dish), sarmi in Rhodope with blood sausage, chufki on the bone, gouvedje in ródope and others. Zlatanov himself pointed out that he personally had patented beans with mushrooms.

The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism, Mariana Nikolova, initiated the introduction of a national Bulgarian menu in hotels and restaurants in Bulgaria. “We supported the idea and we were the first in the country to react to it,” said Zlatko Zlatanov. The working group for the elaboration of the national menu has already proposed the marking of restaurants and hotels with a sticker “National menu”. The brand will be placed only in places that have specialized dishes. The goal is to make it easier for foreign tourists to find their way around Bulgarian cuisine, the working group explained. The project the group is working on is called “Professional selection of traditional Bulgarian dishes and wines, united in the national menu” and is managed by the University of Food Technology in Plovdiv. The working group includes experts from the Ministry of Tourism, sectoral organizations: National Tourism Board, Bulgarian Restaurant Association, Association of Sommeliers in Bulgaria, Bulgarian Association of Hotels and Restaurants, Plovdiv Tourism Council, Culinary Laboratory-Plovdiv, Bulgarian Association of Professional Chefs, representatives of the Regional Directorates of Education of the Ministry of Education and Science, business partners, teachers of the UFT, representatives of secondary schools for professional training in “Tourism” throughout the country.

The “National Menu” project is a joint initiative of the Ministry of Tourism and UFT and joins efforts to turn traditional Bulgarian food into a recognizable brand of tourism product. The idea came up sporadically during the visit of the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism, Mariana Nikolova, with a team at UFT in August, said Rector Prof. Dr. Plamen Mollov. The goal is to unite the efforts of scientific circles and companies that work with this matter and be recognized by the widest circle of people, Mollov said. According to him, this is the first step in the construction of an attractive national tourism product, which will participate together with the other landmarks of the country in its advertising around the world.

According to the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism, Mariana Nikolova, Bulgaria has unique potential for the development of wine and cultural tourism. Tourists from around the world say in a study that food and drink are a factor when choosing a destination. The youngest, of generation Z, are even more motivated than adults to visit a destination determined by the local gastronomy.
