Valeri Simeonov: School closings and three-week quarantine immediately – healthcare collapses – Politics


Following the example of several European countries, anti-epidemic measures must also be strengthened in Bulgaria and a quarantine of at least three weeks must be imposed. Action must be taken immediately because, unlike spring, we are already late: the spread of the infection is becoming dangerous, medical care is collapsing. This was stated by the vice president of the National Assembly and leader of the NFSB Valeri Simeonov.Valery SimeonovValeri Simeonov is Deputy Prime Minister for Economic and Demographic Policy until 16 in front of TV Europe this morning. However, he stressed that this is the position of the NFSB, not the GERB-United Patriots coalition.

There is no need to find hot water, let’s take the good examples from Europe and even from our neighboring countries, Simeonov underlined and pointed out Belgium. The European state closed schools, shopping centers, cinemas, theaters, sporting events on November 2 and reported twice as many patients last week as the previous week. In Poland, they are already considering opening shopping malls and stores, which closed in October but closed their schools at the end of the year, Simeonov said.

He stressed that the measure is important for schools, since children do not get sick, but are the most serious carriers of the infection for their parents, grandparents.

He described the Sofia municipality’s decision to open Christmas bazaars as a crime. Valery SimeonovValery SimeonovValeri Simeonov is Deputy Prime Minister for Economic and Demographic Policy until he is 16 reacted angrily against the violation committed by a restaurant – to lock 200 customers inside after 11:30 pm so that no one would come and impose a penalty for failure to comply with the measures.

“The police are outside as extras, instead of enforcing the law with all their rigor, to obtain a permit from the prosecutor and break down the door. This establishment must be closed,” insisted the NFSB leader.

Valery SimeonovValery SimeonovValeri Simeonov is Deputy Prime Minister for Economic and Demographic Policy until 16 He stated that he had repeatedly expressed his position to the GERB partners and that he would do so again in the Political Council next week. The NFSB leader is in favor of imposing temporary restrictions, but in accordance with the economy to continue operating. The state must compensate at least 80% of closed deals, Simeonov emphasized.

Parvan Simeonov: Borisov resorted to Manger’s methods

After the vote on the state budget for next year, Vice President of the National Assembly Valeri SimeonovValery SimeonovValeri Simeonov is Deputy Prime Minister for Economic and Demographic Policy until he is 16 He will also propose the dissolution of parliament and the possibility of teleworking for deputies. Now Parliament is working, important decisions are being made by remote vote of the quarantined deputies, he pointed out and defined it as petty party selfishness that BSP and MRF sabotage important decisions such as the budget, tax laws, changes in the Health Law.

The NFSB leader defined Bulgaria’s position on North Macedonia as correct: for the first time we are all united. Macedonia remains part of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. “They can call themselves what they want, if they also want Martians, but they have no right to change history, to send people with shy Bulgarians to jail in the past and today to refuse to rehabilitate them,” Valeri Simeonov said.Valery SimeonovValeri Simeonov is Deputy Prime Minister for Economic and Demographic Policy until he is 16.
