Valdas Dambrauskas: Long live HNK Gorica! An adventure I will never forget!


Valdas Dambrauskas said goodbye to the Gorizia team on social networks. The new Ludogorets manager admitted that he had a hard time deciding to change the situation and go to Bulgaria.

“It is difficult to write these words. It was also difficult to make that decision. Since I came to Velika Gorica I feel connected with the city, with the people, with the peace that brought me here. 2020 was not an easy year for anyone, we overcome a pandemic, we survive. ” earthquakes, isolation, quarantine … During all this time I did not feel alone because I was part of Velika Gorica’s family.

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We work hard in training, we fight, we argue, we have fun, we support each other, we become a real team. Then came the results … Along with them came responsibilities as well as opportunities. An opportunity presented itself. An opportunity that I cannot pass up because it is a great challenge for me. When you play sports, you always have big dreams. I trust my motto that the most dangerous and frustrating thing in football is to be mediocre, to lose your ambition. You have to prove yourself every day. That is why I decided to leave Goritsa.

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There are not enough words to describe my gratitude to the players, the employees, the sports director, the journalists, the fans. It was a great privilege to work with you! I will always be your biggest fan, I am always ready to help. I cannot say goodbye to you because I know that our paths will cross again.

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A special thanks to President Nenad Crnko, who built this club day by day. He created opportunities for so many people and managed to make them dream! I appreciate that you have supported me during this 10-month adventure. Thanks to everyone who greeted me on the street, who came to the games and wished us success. Thank you, thank you, thank you all! It was an adventure I will never forget! Long live HNK Gorica! ”Dambrauskas wrote.

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