VACCINATION IN OUR COUNTRY: When does it start and who will be the first to get vaccinated


The immunization campaign against COVID-19 in Bulgaria begins tomorrow, December 27, announced the Ministry of Health. The first cities where this will happen are Sofia, Plovdiv and Burgas, and the vaccines will pass in the following schedule:

In Sofia:

At 10:00 am the vaccination will take place at the “St. Anna” University Hospital. The first Bulgarian to be vaccinated will be the Minister of Health, Prof. Kostadin Angelov.

The first vaccines against COVID-19 arrive (VIDEO + PHOTOS)

Subsequently, Dr. Rada Prokopova, head of the Department of Cardiology of the Internal Medicine Clinic of the medical institution and currently head of the COVID departments of the medical institution, as well as Ani Kirova, KAIL nurse, will be immunized against infection by coronavirus.

At 10:00 am, the vaccination of the personnel of the Military Medical Academy (MMA) against SARS-CoV-2 will begin. The first vaccinated at the medical institution will be Prof. Dr. Ventsislav Mutafchiiski, Major General, FACS. After him, various iconic names in native medicine will set a personal example, including Professor Nikola Vladov, Professor Krum Katsarov, Professor Iliya Saltirov, etc.

The first group, to be vaccinated, according to the numbers from the Military Medical Academy, includes doctors, nurses and paramedics who work on the front lines in the fight against infection in the ten COVID clinics.

The president of the BMA will be one of the first to be vaccinated

In Plovdiv:

At 10:00 am at the “St. George” University Hospital the first vaccines against COVID-19 will be delivered to: Dr. Ivan Madjarov, President of the Bulgarian Medical Union, Raina Todovichina, nurse with 48 years of experience in the unit surgical department of The Department of Emergency Medicine of the hospital, as well as Dr. Ventsislav Filipov, head of the unit “Internal Medicine” in the same department.

Prime Minister Borissov checks how vaccines are stored in Plovdiv (VIDEO)

In Burgas:

At 10:00 am at the “St. Nikolay Chudotvorets” Medical Center in the UMHAT building – Burgas, the first immunization against COVID-19 will be given to Zlatina Parusheva, a nurse with 40 years of experience. Parusheva is 59 years old and has been working in the hospital’s Emergency Department for the past 10 years. From the first day the triage area opens, it is scheduled. After that, Dr. Svetlin Haralampiev, 34, who has worked at OAIL for 4 years, specializing in anesthesiology and resuscitation. Since the beginning of the pandemic, he worked with COVID patients.


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