UK is the first in the world to start mass vaccination against COVID-19 – EU


The British drug regulator has ruled that the Pfizer-Bioentech vaccine against Covid-19 is completely safe and, starting next week, the UK will be the first country to launch a mass vaccination program.

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The first 800,000 doses of the vaccine will be delivered in the coming days from Belgium, reports Pfizer-Bioentech.

The European Medicines Agency has warned of the risks with COVID-19 vaccines

Health Minister Matt Hancock said national health care would contact the people who would be vaccinated first. At the top of the priority list are the elderly in social care homes and their staff, followed by people over 80 and medical workers at the forefront of the battle against COVID-19.

Britain approves Pfizer and Biontech vaccine against COVID-19

As hospitals have the capacity to store the vaccine at a temperature of minus 70 degrees, which is a basic requirement, the first vaccines will be manufactured in hospitals so that the material can be used as efficiently as possible. In general, there are three places where the vaccination will take place: hospitals, special vaccination centers and community centers, where this will be the task of local jeeps and pharmacists.

Matt Hancock said vaccination would start next week, and Scotland’s Prime Minister Nicholas Sturgeon was more specific, citing next Tuesday.

Vaccination will not be mandatory and is free. Two injections will be given three weeks apart. The government asked people to remain vigilant and comply with local quarantine regulations. Matt Hancock said that 2020 was a terrible year, but that 2021 will be better.

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Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19)

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