Two reasons why Mbape is not about Liverpool


French soccer expert Cyril Moren has questioned Killian Mbape’s success in Liverpool if the PSG striker passes Jurgen Klop. He also told Eurosport’s popular Game of Opinions podcast that such a deal is unlikely, though for months the world champion has been linked to Anfield’s transfer.

“There are two main reasons why Liverpool and Killian Mbape would not fit together. The first is Jurgen Klopp’s philosophy. For me, Mbape is not mature enough to ‘push genes’. He is still a young forward in defense and intensity. He works at this stage and I’m not sure he’s mature enough for Liverpool or at least his starting eleven. The second reason is the story between him and Real Madrid, he is a fan of the team and Zidane is a key figure there role in megatransfers, which will surely be yours, “Moren said.

Rush is delighted with Klop and his team.

Mbape raised speculation about a transfer to Liverpool in an interview in January, in which he called Liverpool a Klop machine.

“What Liverpool are doing right now is incredible,” he said. “They are like a machine, they have found a rhythm and they are ready to play over and over again. They have no loss, and when you look at them, they make you think things are fine.” They are easy, but they are not. The boys are focused. They play every three days and win, win, win. Now the problem is that everyone looks at Liverpool and everyone thinks what they can do against them. Liverpool are a very good team with a very good manager. “

Cyril Moren commented on the situation a few days after the strong words of former French MEP Daniel Cohn-Bendit de los Verdes and a former leader of the Paris protests in 1968.

In his column in the Ouest France newspaper, he predicted that Killian Mbape would not cost more than € 35-40 million after the crisis due to the coronavirus pandemic.

“This will be its price tomorrow, not the 200 million it costs,” said the veteran MEP. “Who could buy it? This crisis will clean up the irrationality of professional sports. It was as if there had been a nuclear attack and it had to be rebuilt, but on other bases. There would be real regulation. It would even have to go further.” “A salary cap. This is a reorganization that will affect not only the players’ pay but also their image rights and their advertising contracts. We need to break the system of executives who make space football deals. I don’t think the players will. ” they only make it worse because they pay less. In the future, television rights contracts will have to set a certain percentage for Olympic sports and another for amateur sports, for example, “says Daniel Con-Bendit.

Trent's number is already very popular with Liverpool fans.

Killian Mbape has a contract with PSG until the summer of 2022, but like all soccer superstars, he will have to wait for the crisis to be resolved to decide how his soccer career will continue.

The Paris club faces months of enormous challenges, not only because of its young striker, but also because of the increasing probability that Neymar will return to Barcelona.

Additionally, several of the top players have their contracts expiring on June 30.

Captain Thiago Silva, Edinson Cavani, Toma Munni and Levin Kurzawa may have already played their last PSG games. Mauro Icardi’s resignation contract expires at the end of June.

“The main job of Athletic Director Leonardo is to think about the situation after this season. Silva is one of the most important players in the locker room and who can replace him? Napoli Couplings? Due to the crisis, we cannot be sure that PSG can afford such players. So the idea may come up to offer him a new contract. Cavani leaves for sure due to his attitude during this campaign. The case of Icardi is also interesting because he wants a lot to return to Italy, he can but in PS Juventus, but PSG will have the last word and if they want Mr. Oh, wait, he will stay, “Moren finished.
