Trump no longer has symptoms, infection invaded the Pentagon (Summary)


Trump no longer had symptoms. PHOTO: Reuters

WHO: The vaccine may be ready by the end of 2020.

The UN Commissioner for Refugees also with COVID-19

US President Donald Trump did not report any symptoms of COVID-19 on Wednesday, the day after he was discharged from the hospital, where he was treated for 3 days, his doctor Sean Conley said according to world agencies.

Trump’s vital signs are stable, Conley added.

In a post on social media, Trump compared the new coronavirus to the flu. His message was later removed for spreading false information.

“The flu season

approaches! Will be

if we close

your country?

No, we have learned to live with that as we have learned to live with COVID, which is much less deadly in most groups in the population, “the president wrote on Twitter.

Trump added that more than 100,000 people die each year from the flu. According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, between 12,000 and 61,000 people die from the flu each year.

The President of the United States said he was doing so well that he wanted to go back to the Oval Office. Due to the quarantine, he is currently working in specially equipped rooms in the White House next to Dr. Conley’s office.

Trump’s adviser Stephen Miller has tested positive for the new coronavirus, Reuters reported, citing an NBC reporter. Miller is another case found in Trump’s inner circle. Another dozen people on the team, as well as several Republican senators, were isolated with symptoms of the disease.

After the White House, the contagion spread to the highest levels of the Pentagon. Due to the positive test of the Chief of the Coast Guard, Admiral Charles Ray, 10 generals are in quarantine. Among them is Joint Command Chief Gen. Mark Miley.

One of the first things Trump did when he got home from the hospital was to announce that


the conversations

for the package



for the economy in the conditions of the pandemic, which prompted another harsh criticism from Democrats. To reach an agreement on financial assistance, the two parties in Congress negotiated for months.

The president announced that the incentives would be approved immediately after the November elections, which he is apparently convinced will win. However, his statement dealt a severe blow to the financial markets.

On this occasion, CNN notes that since he left the hospital, Trump has acted extremely chaotically.

Doctors told the Daily Mail that

it’s possible


who accepts,

to provoke

manias and psychosis

Despite his illness, the Republican candidate announced that he is looking forward to the next debate with his rival Joe Biden. However, the Democrat warned that if Trump’s test is not negative, he will not participate in the political dispute because his safety is not guaranteed.

The UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi, also said on Wednesday that he had tested positive for COVID-19 but had mild symptoms, AFP reported. Grandi claims he is isolated, works remotely, and hopes to recover quickly. He recalled the importance of washing hands, staying away from other people, and wearing a protective mask.

After Paris, the Belgian capital, Brussels, also closed bars and cafes for a month as a measure against the rapid spread of the coronavirus. A new study has shown that more than 50% of Parisians with the lowest income are infected, reports the Daily Telegraph.

For the first time in five months, 11,600 cases were registered in Russia. Registries of infection are in Slovenia, Czech Republic, Ukraine, Canada, Brazil.

Total in the world

The number of



36 million

There may be a vaccine against the coronavirus by the end of the year. This was announced by the director general of the World Health Organization, Tedros Gebreyesus, but did not reveal details, Reuters reported. “We will need vaccines and there is hope to have a vaccine by the end of this year. There is hope,” he said.

Russia has announced that its coronavirus vaccine will cost about 11 euros.
